Major milestones at Willowdale Bauxite Mine | Alcoa …

06/07/2021. Bauxite production was up and running at Larego seven days after the crusher was switched off at Orion. The hub for Alcoa's Willowdale Bauxite Mine in the south-west of Western Australia recently relocated to a new region via a carefully engineered process that included moving an 850 metric ton crusher. After more than 21 years at ...


Bauxite is mined near the town of Boddington, 130 kilometres south east of Perth. The bauxite is transported to the Worsley Alumina Refinery near Collie via an overland conveyor system that stretches more than 50 kilometres. The alumina is used in the smelting process to produce aluminium. Aluminium is strong, flexible, light-weight,

Worsley Mine Development Continuing Operations

• Bauxite deposits occur in pods that are close to the surface and about five metres thick • Crushed bauxite travels more than 50 kilometres by overland conveyor to the refinery, near Collie • Bauxite mining is a continuous process of clearing, mining and rehabilitation. Boddington Bauxite Mine.

The 50km overland conveyor at South32's bauxite mine in …

The 50km overland conveyor at South32's bauxite mine in WA is the longest of its kind in Australia. Linking the mine to the refinery, the conveyor belt travels at 25km/hour and carries around 3,400 tonnes of bauxite every hour. At the refinery, the bauxite is turned into alumina powder before being transported by rail to port.

Overland Conveyors: Efficient and Cost-Effective | Kemper …

Overland conveyor belts, constructed from robust materials such as rubber, steel cord, and textiles, are reliable for transporting bulk materials over long distances. Their design minimizes friction, reducing wear and tear, and extending the system's lifespan. These conveyor belts may also have advanced control systems that optimize ...

Bauxite Mining with a Mobile Crusher and Overland …

PDF. This product is exclusive to Digital library subscription. Bauxite Mining with a Mobile Crusher and Overland Conveyors at Pinjarra, Western Australia. PDF. Unique ID: …

Advanced Design Ensures Success of Ultra-Long Overland …

The system design brief called for the primary crushed bauxite ore of size -150 mm to be fed from the mine end junction house, through a chute to an overland …

Worsley Mine Development

Bauxite is mined near the town of Boddington, 130 kilometres south east of Perth. The bauxite is transported to the alumina refinery via an overland conveyor system that stretches more than 50 kilometres. The refinery extracts alumina using a four-stage Bayer process. This process turns the red bauxite rock into white alumina powder.

Overland Conveyor (OLC) Design – Conveyor Dynamics Inc

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. 3633 Alderwood Ave. Bellingham, WA 98225 Telefono: 360 671 2200 Fax: 360 671 8450 cdi@conveyor-dynamics

Overland Conveyors | AGICO Long Distance Conveyor Solution

Overland conveyors are conveying equipment designed for long-distance transportation of bulk materials. They are widely used in freight ports, mines, power plants, steel mills, …

fr/coermotibo bauxita mine at main · …

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Mining and Aggregate Overland Conveyor Cost Per Mile

It is a typical overland conveyors mining solution for large scale mine plant. We can make use of it to convey aggregate, gravel sand, iron ore, copper ore, bauxite, gold ore, cement clinker, soybean, rice, wheat, sinter, coke, etc.

Major Mines & Projects | Worsley Alumina (Boddington) …

Mine Life. 2036. Worsley Alumina is an integrated bauxite mining and alumina refining operation. Worsley Alumina has been operating the Boddington Bauxite Mine, an …

ABB drive systems control a 10 km conveyor supplying …

refinery. Bauxite is transported from the mine to the refinery via long overland conveyors, as they have proven to be more efficient and cost-effective than transportation by rail or truck. Challenge An additional overland conveyor was required when the Huntly mining operations were relocated 10 km further from the Pinjarra refinery. The new ...

South 32 Overland Conveyor Belt

The largest overland conveyor belt in the southern hemisphere crosses the Lower Hotham Road here. Red bauxite rock is transported along this conveyor belt for more than 50 kms, to a refinery near the town of Collie, where it is turned into aluminium powder. The conveyor belt can be viewed from a lookout at Red Hill Reserve, located off Pinjarra ...

sbm/sbm bauxite conveyor at master

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Mining | BEDESCHI Mid-West Conveyor Company

Minerals include iron ore, copper, gold, bauxite, etc. BMWC has been involved handling various coals; such as, Powder River Basin, lignites, bituminous and anthracite. These projects include in-pit crushing, overland conveyors, storage/reclaim systems and rail loadout facilities. BMWC has provided economic studies for customers to analyze ...


Bauxite mining takes place near Boddington, 130km south-east of Perth. The bauxite is transported 51km by overland conveyor to our alumina refinery, 15km north-west of Collie, where the red rock is turned into white alumina powder using the Bayer Process. The alumina is then railed 55km to the Bunbury Port for export to aluminium smelters ...

Job safety analysis


Our locations

Bauxite is mined near the town of Boddington, 130 kilometres south-east of Perth. It is transported by overland conveyor to the alumina refinery near Collie and turned into alumina powder, before being transported by rail to the Bunbury port. It is then shipped to smelters around the world, including South32's Hillside and Mozal aluminium ...

Worsley Mine Development

Bauxite is mined near the town of Boddington, 130 kilometres south east of Perth. The bauxite is transported to the alumina refinery via an overland conveyor system that stretches more than 50 kilometres. The refinery …


environments (overland, underground, extreme climatic conditions). The longest conveyor in the world is a cable hauled conveyor that is located near Collie in Western Australia. This conveyor, owned by Worsley Alumina, is a 51 kilometre bauxite conveyor comprising a 30 km flight and a 21 km flight that was constructed in the early 1980's.

sbm/sbm bauxite conveyor overland at main · …

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South32 Worsley Alumina Refinery Upgrade | SMP Planning

The bauxite is transported 51km by overland conveyor to South32's Worsley Alumina refinery, 15km North-West of Collie, where the red rock is turned into white alumina powder. The alumina is then railed 55km to the Bunbury Port for export to aluminium smelters worldwide. This project was requested to upgrade an aging facility to a new …

Long Distance Conveyors

SKE is a long-distance conveyor manufacturer, providing overland conveyors, pipe belt conveyors and surface belt conveyors for bulk material handling systems. [email protected] +86 Blog …

India's longest single flight conveyor represents …

Ultra long overland conveyor, designed and installed by TAKRAF India, to supply bauxite to Utkal's alumina plant. A very undulating terrain typified the path of the conveyor moving bauxite ore …

Worsley Alumina

We mine bauxite in the south-west of Australia and transport it on an overland conveyor belt to a refinery where the bauxite is turned into white alumina powder. The alumina is …

Bauxite Mining with a Mobile Crusher and Overland Conveyors …

The crushing-conveying-stockpiling arrangement at Del Park consists of a 1200 t. p. h. mobile crusher feeding bauxite to an overland conveyor system which transports the ore approximately 6. 66 km. to the stockpile area in the refinery. In the refinery raw mat- erials area the bauxite is distributed into 200, 000 tonne stockpiles by means of a ...

Global Operations

Willowdale produces bauxite that is supplied to AWAC's Wagerup alumina refinery in Western Australia. The mining leases provide access to bauxite to 2044. The annual mining rate of Willowdale is approximately 10 million metric tonnes of bauxite. Bauxite is transported from the mine by overland conveyor to Wagerup.

Overland Conveyor Systems

Overland Conveyor Systems Rick Fredericksen Mining Section Chief Division of Mining, Land and Water April 10, 2009. Bu Craa, Morocco Phosphate Conveyor 62.1 mi 11 flights. Rockdale Texas (bauxite) one of the longest single-belt overland

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