State-of-the-art and perspectives in the heavy mineral industry of Sri

Heavy minerals have become an essential commodity in modern-day technology. The objective of this study is to examine the current status of the heavy mineral industry of Sri Lanka. The present ...

Of Stones and Health: Medical Geology in Sri Lanka | Science

These rocks include an abundance of fluoride-bearing minerals such as mica, hornblende, and fluorite. With funding from the Natural Resources Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka, I was able to produce a map for Sri Lanka showing the fluoride-rich zones and their potential impact on dental health (see figure, below).

Geochemical characteristics of stream sediments, sediment …

Geochemical variations in stream sediments (n = 54) from the Mahaweli River of Sri Lanka have been evaluated from the viewpoints of lithological control, sorting, heavy mineral concentration, influence of climatic zonation (wet, intermediate, and dry zones), weathering, and downstream transportpositions of soils (n = 22) and basement …

Of Stones and Health: Medical Geology in Sri Lanka | Science

These rocks include an abundance of fluoride-bearing minerals such as mica, hornblende, and fluorite. With funding from the Natural Resources Energy and …

Mineralogy and Geochemistry of beach sediments

2.1. Geological settings. The Sri Lankan basement is underlined majorly of Precambrian age, high-grade metamorphic rocks and some sedimentary rocks of Upper Jurassic and Miocene to Recent ages (Cooray, 1984, Kehelpannala, 2003, Kröner et al., 2003).Also, a few igneous rocks are exposed showing greater compositional diversity …

Granitic pegmatites in Sri Lanka: A concise review leading to …

Sri Lankan pegmatites are also considered important sources of gem minerals (e.g. [ 11, 35, 40, 43 ]). Dahanayake et al. [11] argued that gem-quality beryl, …

Gemstones Found in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka lies at the southern tip of India which is located at latitude of 6° – 10° N and longitude of 80° – 82° E. The major part of Sri Lanka is made up of Precambrian crystalline rocks except for a belt of sedimentary rocks along the …

Geochemical and petrological characteristics of Eppawala …

The apatite-bearing carbonate rocks at Eppawala, Sri Lanka occur as massive, discontinuous bodies in a Precambrian, high-grade metamorphic terrain, which weather to form economically important phosphate deposits. The ore bodies at Eppawala contain ≤42% P2O5, and citric acid solubility of different components varies from 4 to …

Mineral resources of Sri Lanka | Semantic Scholar

T. Wijewardhana A. Ratnayake. Materials Science, Environmental Science. Bulletin of the National Research Centre. 2021. Background Ilmenite and rutile are naturally occurring titanium-bearing heavy minerals. Sri Lanka consists of ilmenite and rutile in placer deposits mainly along the northeast coast. The commercial…. Expand. 5.

Srilanka Mineral Map | Natural Resources of Srilanka

Here you can find the information about the natural resources of Srilanka, including oil, coal, silver, gold, diamonds etc. Description : Sri Lanka mineral map shows the major minerals found in the country. Srilanka Mineral resources map showing the locations of minerals in Srilanka.

(PDF) Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks from the Highland …

: Litho-tectonic units of Sri Lanka (after Cooray, 1994) showing the study area. : Geology map of the study area showing sample localities plotted on the Kandy-Hanguranketha Sheet published by the ...

Mineral Resources in Sri Lanka

Of these industrial minerals, heavy minerals (mainly ilmenite, rutile, zircon) are amongst the most abundant minerals with significant economic potential found in Sri Lanka. Graphite. Mineral Sands - Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon. Vein Quartz. Feldspar. Clay. …


The principal minerals found in the mineral sands of the east coast of Sri Lanka are il menite (70 - 72%), rutile (8%), zircon (8 - 10%), and monazite (0.3%). Separation of the sand into

(PDF) Fluoride content of minerals in gneissic rocks at an …

A mass balance of the mineralogical sources of fluoride in charnockitic gneiss bedrock and regolith (weathered rock) in Sri Lanka has been undertaken, using optical petrography and Scanning ...

Thorium minerals in Sri Lanka, history of radioactivity …

Nanotechnology Laboratory, Department of Electronics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, The Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya. Submitted: 22 March 2011 ; Accepted: 29 April 2011. Abstract : The discovery of radioactivity more than a century ago and vigorous research on the subject thereafter has transformed the world scientifically and ...

Mineralogy and chemical composition of some laterites of Sri Lanka

In addition to minerals of the aluminium and iron hydroxide groups, laterite contains considerable amounts of kaolinite, filling the cells of the kaolinite--sesquioxide matrix" (Rozanov, 1964). 149 Gross characteristics of laterites Typically the laterites of Sri Lanka are mottled deep red, yellow or reddish- brown ferruginous earth showing ...

Sigiriya, or Lion Rock, Sri Lanka

Sigiriya, also known as the Lion Rock, is a remarkable ancient rock fortress and palace located in the central Matale District of Sri Lanka. It stands as a UN World Heritage Site and is one of the most iconic landmarks in the country. The site is renowned for its stunning architecture, breathtaking fres, and extensive landscaped …

18 Minerals and Rocks

Science | Rocks And Minerals 101 18.1 Features of minerals and rocks A mineral is a solid made up of one component. Rock is a mixture of several components. Minerals exist naturally in the earth in a crystalline form with a definite geometrical shape. Graphite, dolemite, feldspar, ilmenite, mica and quartz are some minerals found in Sri Lanka.The

Geological background and Economic Minerals in Sri Lanka

Rocks and Minerals. Firstly when consider about minerals, rocks are mixtures, or aggregates, of different minerals. They are divided into three categories …

Mineralogy and Geochemistry of beach sediments

@article{Sandaruwan2022MineralogyAG, title={Mineralogy and Geochemistry of beach sediments associated with the Precambrian crystalline rocks (Vijayan Complex) of Sri Lanka; perspective for heavy minerals}, author={Chaturanga Sandaruwan and Madurya Adikaram and Nadeesha Madugalla and Amarasooriya Pitawala and Hiroaki …

Geochemical and petrological characteristics of Eppawala phosphate

The underlying carbonatites at the EPD belong to the Wanni Complex of the Precambrian basement of Sri Lanka (Fig. 1a). The Wanni Complex consists of igneous rocks and high-grade metamorphic rocks ...

(PDF) Geology of Sri Lanka

The granulite facies rocks of the Highland Series (gneisses, sillimanite-graphite gneisses, quartzite, marbles, and some …

Mineralogy and chemical composition of some laterites of Sri Lanka

Abstract. Laterite samples have been collected from different parts of Sri Lanka and analysed mineralogically and chemically. The samples studied were collected from layers within individual vertical sections. Mineralogical analyses were made using XRD, DTA, DTG and TG methods whereas chemical analyses were made with wet …

The precambrian of Sri Lanka: a historical review

Abstract. Early studies of the geology of Sri Lanka lasted from the beginning of the century until 1935. The modern phase began in the forties, whereas intensive studies of the Precambrian rocks took place in the last ten years. The term "Vijayan Gneiss", first used for the gneisses around Colombo, was changed in 1947 to "Vijayan Series ...


Apatite, (Phosphate Rock), Silica Sand, Garnet sand, Mica, Calcite and Dolomite. Pulmoddai beach sand deposit is the most important nonferrous mineral reserve in Sri Lanka, containing some of the most expensive and sought-after metals in the world. Ilmenite (FeTiO 2) and rutile (TiO 2) are found in enormous concentration in the …


Monazite concentration in Pulmoddai mineral sand deposit in Sri Lanka is 1.38%. Its Rare Earth Elements (REE) composition is about 61%. Currently, only heavy minerals are separated and cerium rich ...

(PDF) Mineral Resources of Sri Lanka

... Major rock types found in the high-grade metamorphic rock terrain are quartzites, high-grade gneisses and granulites, calc …

A Study on the Soundness of Parent Rocks in Sri …

Sri Lanka is an Island in the Indian Ocean. The Island of Sri Lanka lies between latitudes 50 and 100 North and longitudes 790 and 820 East. It is situated 32 km east of the southern tip of India separated by Palk Strait …


They include the mineral sands (e.g. ilmenite, rutile, zircon), graphite, mica and gemstones, which form the bulk of the exports; and ceramic and refractory raw materials (e.g., kaolin …

Influence of nearshore sediment dynamics on the …

Detrital heavy minerals can be predominantly derived from the erosion of high-grade Precambrian metamorphic rocks in Sri Lanka. However, detailed studies of petrography (e.g., surface textures) and mineral chemistry (e.g., rare earth elements) of the heavy minerals are recommended to precisely understand the provenance of these …

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