Blood Mica: Key findings of investigation into child deaths in …

In the depths of India's illegal mica mines, where children as young as five work alongside adults, lurks a dark, hidden secret - the cover-up of child deaths with seven killed in the past two ...

MICA: The Shimmering Star of Jharkhand

government cancelled mica mining leases. ... Fig 2: Mica belt in Jharkhand and Bihar [Ref: (1) USGS, 2015; (2) UN Comtrade Data, 2014; (3) TdH, 2016] Mica is an extremely versatile mineral, widely used in many industries and applications, due to its exceptional characteristics. Figure 3 below shows

About Jharkhand: Information on Mining Industries, …

Jharkhand is one of the richest mineral zones in the world and boasts 40% and 29% of India's mineral and coal reserves, respectively. Due to its large mineral reserves, mining and mineral extraction are the major industries in the state. Mineral production in the state stood at 138.15 million tonnes in FY23.

Metal contamination of groundwater in the mica mining …

The concentrations of metals in the groundwater were assessed on a seasonal basis to evaluate the possible risk on the local populace via the drinking water pathway in the mica mining areas of Jharkhand in India. Significant temporal variations were observed in the concentration of metals with the highest values being in the post …

Behind the Glitter: Mica and Child Mining in India

The Transnational World of Primate Testing. 47:40. Children in India are being exploited in the dangerous search for mica, the mineral that gives cosmetics their shine.

Mineral Resources of Jharkhand

Presently Jharkhand state is annually producing about 160 million tonnes of various types of minerals worth Rs 15,000 crore and generating mineral revenue to the tune of about Rs 3,500 crore. The deposits of Coal, Iron ore, Bauxite, Uranium, Limestone, Dolomite, Pyroxenite, Quartz and Quartzite available in sufficient quantity. The deposits of ...

Revive mica mining in Koderma, Giridih districts: Babulal …

Mica was relegated into the list of minor minerals recently. "The operations of 50 mica mines can employ 50,000 people directly or indirectly. In all, 2 lakh jobs can be generated," Marandi wrote.

Jharkhand Minerals, List of Jharkhand's Mineral …

List of Jharkhand's Mineral Resources: Iron Ores. Bauxite. Limestone. Coal. Mica and the related Minerals and jewels. Graphite. Uranium. China Clay.

Ministry of Mines, Government of India, Home

The number of mines which reported mineral production (excluding minor minerals, fuel minerals and atomic minerals) in India was 1319 in 2021-22 as against 1375 in the previous year. ... (114), Andhra Pradesh (108), Rajasthan (90), Tamil Nadu (88), Maharashtra (73), Jharkhand (45), and Telangana (39). These 11 States together accounted for 93% ...

Glimmerland: Human rights in the mica supply chain

There are alternatives for mica that work for cosmetics and paints, but the tech and car industries cannot substitute the critical mineral so easily due to its unique properties like high heat resistance and conductivity. Life in the impoverished Indian state of Jharkhand would not improve if its mica mines were disconnected from the world market.

An Assessment of Illegal Mica Mining in Jharkhand

Mica is a substance that gives a shiny appearance to cosmetics and paints. Koderma and Giridih are two districts in Jharkhand richly endowed with good quality mica deposits. The socio-economic and human development indicators indicate that the region suffers from a classic 'resource curse' case. Mica mining is an illegal activity; however, the …

Get List of Key Industries of Jharkhand

Jharkhand is the only state in India to produce uranium, which is used as fuel in nuclear power plants. The uranium mines in Jharkhand are among the largest in the country. Mica. Jharkhand is one of the leading producers of mica in India. Mica is used in various industries like cosmetics, paint, electronics, and electrical appliances. Limestone

Sustainable Mica Mining Framework in Jharkhand & Bihar

A. Critically review of existing legal framework governing mica –in Bihar and Jharkhand. B. Recommend alternate legal framework which plugs the current issues in the sector while …

Illegal Mica Mining Continues Unabated in Jharkhand, Causing …

A demand to legalise mining. On May 29, 2020, former and first chief minister of Jharkhand wrote to the present chief minister Hemant Soren, asking him to revive mica mining in Koderma and Giridih areas. He said the police should not take action against locals who pick mica flakes. Marandi suggested an e-auction of these flakes and also …

Illegal mica mining continues unabated in …

A demand to legalise mining. On May 29, 2020, former and first chief minister of Jharkhand wrote to the present Chief Minister Hemant Soren, asking him to revive mica mining in Koderma and Giridih areas. …

Fluoride and Metals in the Agricultural Soils of Mica Mining …

The concentration of metals and fluoride in the agricultural soils of the mica mining areas of Jharkhand was estimated for human health risk assessment and source apportionment studies. The elemental concentrations of As, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the study area exceeded the world average values. The sources of the metals and …

Jharkhand: Minerals

Mica . Jharkhand constitutes around 46 percent of Mica reserves. Jharkhand persists to be the most important producer of Mica in India. ... Is mining copper ore for the copper plant situated at ...

Minerals | Government of Jharkhand State

The state has potential deposits of energy, ferrous, non-ferrous, fertilizer, industrial, refractory, atomic, strategic, precious and semi-precious groups of minerals. The state stretches over 79,714 square kilometer geographical areas with 29.61% forest area and owns about 40% of total mineral resources of India.

Pandemic drives more people to risk lives in India's illegal mica mines …

The RMI last year announced a sustainable mica mining policy that aimed to create jobs for 210,000 workers in Jharkhand and boost exports from 2021, but two state government officials said the ...

Department of Mines and Geology, Government of Jharkhand

Jharkhand is endowed with vast resources of a variety of minerals and occupies a prominent place in the countrys as a mineral rich State. Abundant reserves of high-grade Iron ore, Bauxite, Chromite, Manganese ore along with other minerals such as Coal, Limestone, Dolomite, Tin, Nickel, Vanadium, Lead, Graphite, Gold, Gemstone, Diamond ...

Jharkhand-based filmmaker's mica mining docu wins …

The award which took place through a virtual medium at Tokyo on Tuesday recognised the 48-minute documentary, The Ugly Side of Beauty, produced by The Moving Visuals Co of Singapore (one of Asia's leading content and media producer) and Bara from Jharkhand for its revealing investigation into the complex truth behind cosmetics and …

Global spotlight on illegal mica mines drives Indian villagers …

But returning this year to two major mica hubs in Jharkhand state - Koderma and Giridih - the Thomson Reuters Foundation found mining was largely unchecked and that people were continuing to work ...

Road-map for sustainable and inclusive Mica industry …

3.2 About the supply chain of mica in Jharkhand 17 3.3 Sustainability issues in the supply chain 19 4. Roadmap for a sustainable and inclusive mica sector in Jharkhand 20 4.1 About the Roadmap 20 ... The industry is also struggling with illegal mica mining which has questioned the legitimacy of the industry. Few of the media clips below will ...


MICA AND MINOR MINERAL MINING IN JHARKHAND - Jharkhand is the 15th largest Indian state by area6 (79,710 km2/ 30,778 sq mi), and 14th largest by population (329 …

Blood Mica: Key findings of investigation into child deaths in …

Vinita, 16, goes into a rat-hole mine to search for mica in Giridih district in the eastern state of Jharkhand, India, June 27, 2016. Picture taken June 27, 2016.

Geological Profile of Jharkhand

Geology of Jharkhand. Being the part of Peninsular India, the State of Jharkhand is made up of Archaean, Proterozoic, Late Paleozoic- Mesozoic and Tertiary rock succession. The general succession of complete State can be given as follows-. …

Minerals | Government of Jharkhand State

The deposits of China Clay, Fireclay, Magnetite, Graphite, Kyanite, Feldspar, Mica & Decorative Stones are available in plenty. The deposits of Andalusite, Manganese, …

SPRF.IN of Hope: 03 Jharkhand's Mica Mines and 22 …

• The Jharkhand Minerals (Prevention of Illegal Mining, Transportation, and Storage) Rules of 2017 which prohibits buying, selling, and processing of minerals by non-registered dealers. MICA MINING AND CHILD LABOUR Mica is commonly known as 'dhibra' among the locals in Jharkhand. Mining dhibra was declared

With new data, India plans to fight child labour in mica mines

Item 1 of 2 A five-year-old collects mica flakes from an open cast illegal mica mine in Giridih district in Jharkhand, January 22, 2016. REUTERS/Nita Bhalla/Files

Mica scavenging in Jharkhand destroys lives and environment

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The dark secret of Jharkhand's shiny mineral mica

WEBSome 100 dumps of old mica mines were auctioned in 2017 under a former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Jharkhand, …

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