Concrete Weight Calculator KG/Cubic Metres

Calculate the weight of concrete in kilos per cubic metres. For this calculator we used 2362.7 kg per cubic metre weight of concrete. Cubic Metres of Concrete. M³.

How Much Does Concrete Weigh? Wet vs Dry

The estimated weight of concrete is based on average weight. Basic concrete has an average weight of 116 pounds per cubic foot, but there is also lightweight concrete that can weigh less than 100 pounds or specialty concrete that can weigh over 300 pounds for the same amount. Reinforced Concrete Weight. Reinforced concrete is …

Concrete Weight Calculator

Steps:-. First calculate the volume of concrete with the help of the length, width and height of the structure. Then multiply the volume by their density to get the total weight of concrete. Let, Total volume of concrete be 5 m 3. Calculate the weight of concrete. The, Weight of concrete = Volume x Density = 5 x 2400 = 12000 Kg.

Cement, Portland volume to weight conversion

The entered volume of Cement, Portland in various units of volume. 1 cubic meter of Cement, Portland weighs 1 506 kilograms [kg] 1 cubic foot of Cement, Portland weighs 94.01651 pounds [lbs] Cement, Portland weighs 1.506 gram per cubic centimeter or 1 506 kilogram per cubic meter, i.e. density of cement, Portland is equal to 1 506 kg/m³.

How Much Does A Yard Of Concrete Weigh?

A solid slab of concrete weighs around 150 pounds per cubic foot, which is around 4,500 pounds per square yard. This is for average 3500-4000 psi concrete. If your using stronger or weaker concrete than …

All Cement Price List Today 2024: Cement Rate Per Bag

The average price of cement per kg in India can vary depending on various factors such as the location, brand, and quality of cement. As of 2024, the approximate price range of cement per 50 kg bag in India is between Rs. 300 to Rs. 400. However, it is important to note that prices can fluctuate based on changes in supply and demand ...

Mix design M35 Grade designed as per IS 10262:2009 & IS …

Mix proportioning for a concrete of M35 grade is given in A·I to A-ll. a) Grade designation : M35. b) Type of cement : OPC 53 Grade conforming IS 12269. c) Maximum nominal size of aggregate : 20mm. d) Minimum cement content : 340 kg/m 3 (IS 456:2000) e) Maximum water-cement ratio : 0.45 (Table 5 of IS 456:2000)

Concrete Calculator

The Concrete Calculator estimates the volume and weight of concrete necessary to cover a given area. Purchasing slightly more concrete than the estimated result can reduce …

Concrete – m 3 to kg or tons – cement volume to weight …

How to convert concrete volume to weight or mass ? Weight is the volume of concrete multiplied by its density. The average density of vibrated concrete is 2400 kg/m 3. W = V x d. W – concrete weight in kilograms V – concrete volume in cubic meters d – concrete density in kilograms per cubic meter

RCC Calculator | Estimate Cement, Sand, RCC Online Calculator

Estimate RCC/ Reinforced cement concrete quantities cement, sand and aggregate..

Cement bag weight in India | Volume & density of cement …

i) Weight of 1 cement bag: 50 Kgs: ii) 20 bags of cement weighs: 1000 Kgs or 1 Ton: iii) Volume of 1 cement bag in Litres: 34.4722 Litres: iv) Volume of 1 cement bag in Cubic Feet: 1.226 CFt: v) Volume of 1 cement bag in Meter cube: 0.034722 m 3: vi) Quantity for 1 Cubic Feet of cement: 40 Kg: vii) Quantity for 1 Meter cube of cement: 28.8 Bags ...

Concrete Weight Calculator

A typical concrete mix weighs 150 lbs per cubic foot, 4,050 lbs per cubic yard, or 2,400 kg per cubic meter. The weight of concrete is determined by its density, which can …

Concrete Calculator | Good Calculators

Concrete Calculator. Use our concrete calculator to accurately estimate both the volume and weight of concrete that you will need to fill a specific area based on its shape and …

Concrete Slab Weight Calculator

What Do Concrete Slab Weight Calculator Per? Example : A concrete slab length of 3 m, width of 2 m, and slab thickness of 0.100 m how much concrete weight? Concrete Area = length x width x …

Concrete Calculator : How much concrete do you need

Estimating the volume of say a concrete slab is easy but estimating the required concrete weight ... as we need to know the density of our material, usually given in kg per cubic meter (kg/m 3). It is also referred to "density in place". Conventional concrete has density between 1900 kg/m 3 and 2400 kg/m 3 and can endure, on day 28 of its ...

Efficiently Calculate with the Concrete Weight Calculator!

By multiplying the volume by the density, the weight comes out to be 7200 kg. Example 2: If you have a concrete volume of 5 cubic meters and you are using Reinforced Concrete, with a density of 2500 kg/m3. The weight of the concrete would be 12500 kg. Our tool will do these calculations for you instantly!

Concrete Mix Design Calculation

Estimated water content = 186+ (3/100) x 186 = 191.6 kg /m 3 Step 4 — Selection of Cement Content Water-cement ratio = 0.5 Corrected water content = 191.6 kg /m 3 Cement content = From Table 5 of IS 456, Minimum cement Content for mild exposure condition = 300 kg/m 3 383.2 kg/m 3 > 300 kg/m 3, hence, OK.This value is to be …

Concrete Weight Calculator

weight = volume × density. For clarity's sake, let's go through a quick example. Let's say we have 15 cubic meters of Portland concrete. The density of this type of concrete in kilograms per cubic meter is 2,300, so the calculation goes as follows: …

Weight of 4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ and 12″ solid & hollow Concrete block

The typical density of medium normal weight concrete block is about 2,150kg/m3 or (134 pounds per cubic foot). This means their unit weight is about 2,150 kgs per cubic metre or 134 pounds per cubic foot. In general normal, medium, weight of concrete block or CMU unit is varies from 17kg to 50kgs, depending upon size.

Density Of Concrete

The concrete weight can vary depending on the air and moisture content it contains. Cement density (weight) can be 830 - 1650 kg per cubic meter or 52 - 103 lbs per cubic foot. Cement that is pneumatically loaded into silos is less dense while cement that has been stored and exposed to vibration, like being transported, is more dense.

Calculation of Cement, Sand and Aggregate for M-10, M-15, M-20 and M …

so we can say, Volume of dry concrete = 1.54 to 1.57 times the volume of wet concrete I m assuming 1.54 as a safety factor Therefore, the total volume of concrete required is 1.54 ㎥. As per IS456:2000, M-10 Grade concrete proportion is = 1 : 3 : 6. Remember, here (1:3:6) indicates: 1 for cement. 3 for sand. 6 for aggregate

Cement Calculator

Nowadays, we typically use a 1:2:4 mix ratio when building a reinforced concrete single-story house. As a nickname, we can call this mix M15 grade, which comes from its corresponding 15 MPa compressive strength.If we want to build a 2-story house, we would need a stronger mix like the M20 grade mix, which follows a 1:1.5:3 mix ratio.. …

What is the weight of concrete per cubic foot?

The weight of concrete per square foot is going to depend on how thick the concrete slab is. If your square foot of concrete is 6 inches thick, you have to divide 6 (inches) by 12 (1 ft.) to figure out the thickness in feet. 6 …

Concrete Weight Calculator with Steps

weight=volumetimes density. Let's go through a small example for clarity's sake. Consider the following scenario: we have volume of 15 cubic meters of Portland concrete. Because this type of concrete has a density of 2,300 kilograms per cubic meter, the calculation is as follows: weight = 15 ; m^3 times 2.300 ; kg/m^3 = 35.500 ; kg.

How Do You Calculate the Weight of a Concrete Pipe? Easy …

Weight = Volume x Density. = 6.11 cubic foot x 156.07 Lbs. = 953.59 Lbs Where: Density = Density of concrete per cubic foot. The density of concrete can vary depending on the mix used. Concrete weight ranges from 112 LBS/CFT to 157 LBS/CFT. But a typical density for precast concrete pipes is 150 pounds per cubic foot.

Concrete Column Calculator | How Much Do I Need?

Standard weight concrete - 3915 lbs per cubic yard (145 lbs per cubic foot or 2300 kg/m 3); and; Lightweight concrete - 2565 to 3132 lbs per cubic yard (95 to 116 lbs per cubic foot or 1520 to 1858 kg/m 3). Heavyweight concrete consists of heavy natural aggregates, such as magnetite (up to a 60% increase in density) or barites (up to a 45% ...

How Much Does Concrete Weigh? By Volume

A solid slab of concrete's average weight is 4,050 pounds (2 tons) per cubic yard or 150 pounds per cubic foot. The actual weight per yard can vary based on the ingredients and ratios used to make the dry …

Concrete Calculator : How much concrete do you …

Use this concrete calculator to estimate how much concrete in volume (cubic ft, cubic yards, or cubic meters), weight or number of bags you would need for your walls, columns, steps, slabs, footings, etc. The …

How Much Does a Yard of Concrete Weigh?

Wet concrete weighs 4,000 to 4,050 pounds per cubic yard. Dry concrete weighs around 3,400 to 3,600 pounds per cubic yard. In some cases, the weight of concrete can be even higher due to large aggregate sizes or a higher water-cement ratio. Always use a concrete calculator to eliminate the concern of determining the weight of your concrete!

How many bags of cement are required in …

1 cement bag weight = 50 kg. Number of cement bags required for m25 grade concrete. Cement bags = 554 kg/50 = 11.088. 11 number of cement bags required for m25, 1m3 (cubic metre) grade of concrete. A common …

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