Strength and durability studies on concrete made with manufactured sand

It is proposed to compare the physical properties of natural river sand with manufactured sand (M-sand). The current study was conducted on the mixes M30, M40 and M50. The modulus of elasticity (MOE) was evaluated by changing the relative proportion of M-sand from 0 to . Additionally, impact resistance tests and sorptivity tests were also ...

Durability study of concrete using foundry waste sand

concrete made up of foundry sand was used. Sohail Md [3] considered the fresh property of concrete i.e., workability and observed that as the % of FWS increased in the concrete workability decreased, this was due to filling of voids by fine particles of FWS. Muhammad Umar Farooq,[4] carried out the study on non

Studies on Strength and Durability of Concrete Made with …

The results show that utilising artificial sand exclusively results in durability qualities that are up to 70% higher than when using sand as fine aggregate. View full-text Last Updated:...

Effect of Sand Content on the Workability and Mechanical

The objective of this study is to examine the workability and various mechanical properties of concrete using artificial lightweight aggregates produced from expanded bottom ash and dredged soil. Fifteen concrete mixes were classified into three groups with regard to the designed compressive strengths corresponding to 18 MPa, 24 …


3. Shaikh, M. G., and S. A. Daimi. "Durability studies of concrete made by using artificial sand with dust and natural sand." International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering 4, no. 06 (2011): 823-825. 4. Bajad, M. N., and Sarang Sakhare. "Influence of artificial sand on the properties of concrete and mortar."

Effect of Manufactured Sand on Durability Properties of …

Both concrete made using artificial sand and natural sand are moderate to chloride permeability. III. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 3.1. Cement ... (2011) "Durability studies of concrete made by using artificial sand with dust and natural sand" International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering Volume 04, pp 823-825 [3] …

(PDF) Feasibility Of Artificial Sand In Concrete

The replacement of natural sand by artificial sand is feasible for 60% to 80%. It is seen from above studies there is a variation in strength enhancement of concrete made from artificial sand to ...


An attempt have been made to examine the suitability of replacing the 30% of Fly Ash and 50% of Artificial Sand for a Concrete of grade M35.Examine strength characteristics such as Compressive Strength for 7days, 28days, 56days of Curing Period and Durability Characteristics such as Acid Attack Test, Acid Durability Factor, Acid Attack Factor ...

Study on the Properties of Cement Concrete Using …

1 Introduction. The global consumption of natural sand is very high, due to the extensive use of concrete or mortar. Properties of aggregate affect the durability and …

Effect of fines on strength and durability of concrete with

The effect of fines in crushed calcareous sand on properties of mortar and concrete; W.-J. Zhou et al. Influence of the fineness of microfines on the performance of cement and mortar; M.G. Shaikh et al. Durability studies of concrete made by using artificial sand with dust and natural sand

Experimental Study on Strength and Durability

This research work is done to obtain different properties of fibre reinforced recycled aggregate concrete using artificial sand, and to find the optimum percentage replacement of recycled coarse aggregate in concrete with …

Strength, durability, and micro-structural properties of concrete made

This study investigates the importance of marble dust (MD) containing concrete in artificial sea water, the use of marble dust as a partial substitute of cement in concrete mix with water binder ...

Strength and durability properties of granite powder concrete

The main parameter investigated in this study is M30 grade concrete with replacement of sand by granite powder by 0, 25 and 50% and cement was partial replacement with silica fume, fly ash, slag ...

Durability Study of Concrete using Waste Foundry Sand

Use of foundry sand in concrete reduces the production of waste. In this study, more compressive strength is received at 30% and Split tensile strength increases with increase in waste foundry sand and there after it decreases . Effect of alternative wetting and drying is marginal for all the mixes (0% to 75%) but the Mix.

Towards sustainable use of foundry by-products: Evaluating …

1. Introduction1.1. Background and motivation. Construction is one of the world's fastest-growing industries and its most energy-intensive sector, accounting for about one-third of the world's energy expenditure and generating almost 30% of global carbon dioxide emissions [1, 2].To make one ton of concrete, the most consumed man-made …

Durability study of concrete using foundry waste sand

Durability study of concrete using foundry waste sand. In the present work, experimental investigation were performed such as compressive strength of concrete for M20 grade of concrete, porosity, water absorption, permeability and effect of alternate heating and cooling, alternate wetting and drying, effect of accelerated curing (440C and 550C ...

Predicting the strength of concrete made with stone dust …

Stone dust is such a promising waste to be mentioned with high specific gravity, almost similar particle sizes that make it potential for use as fine aggregate in concrete (Reddy et al., 2015).However, stone dust has little lower value of fineness modulus compared to natural sand (Suman and Srivastava, 2015).Worldwide, stone …

(PDF) Studies on Strength and Durability of Concrete Made …

The main objective of this study is to check the strength and durability characteristics of HPC using M-Sand along with 5% silica fume. The natural sand was replaced by M-Sand on proportion of 0% ...

(PDF) Introduction to Quarry-Dust as Partial …

The main objective of the present investigation was to study the strength and durability performance of concretes made with natural sand and artificial sand with dust. The durability properties ...


properties of concrete by replacing the natural river sand with M-sand. The study replaced 20% of natural river sand with M-sand. It was reported that a slight increase in …

Influence of artificial sand on the properties of concrete and mortar

The only long term replacement for sand is Artificial sand. In the present study, an attempt has been made to experimentally study the properties of concrete and mortar by replacing the ...

Strength and Durability Properties of Granite …

It was found that the weight loss of artificial sand block is considerably same with respect to natural sand blocks at 20, 40, and 60 and 90 days, immersed in sulphuric acid solution during the experimental period and …

Size Effect Studies on Concrete Made of Natural and Artificial Sand

The main objective of the present investigation was to study the strength and durability performance of concretes made with natural sand and artificial sand with dust. The durability properties ...

Experimental study to investigate the engineering and durability …

These studies indicated the superior behaviour of synthetic aggregate concrete (synthetic aggregate made using 30% LLDPE and 70% red dune sand) in terms of mechanical performance and therefore, this type of concrete was selected for carrying out further investigation to evaluate its resistance against abrasion, drying shrinkage and …

Concrete with Manufactured Sand and the Effects on the …

Many academics throughout the world have been interested in the use of artificial sand in concrete. The growing demand for fine aggregate for the needs of building is greater than the supply of limited natural sand that is currently available. ... Durability Studies on Concrete Made Using Pulverized Used Foundry Sand as A Mineral Admixture ...


In the present study, an attempt has been made to experimentally study the properties of concrete and mortar by replacing the natural sand with artificial sand. The results have shown that the natural sand can be replaced with the artificial sand to produce concrete and mortar of satisfactory strength and durability.


The used foundry sand (UFS) can be replaced for river sand as it holds similar properties as that of river sand. Used foundry sand is a by-product of ferrous and non-ferrous metal industries which has high silica content. …

Artificial Sand

Reason 2: River sand mining causes tailings. In the process of mining river sand, it often produces a large amount of tailings which is not used reasonably. Especially in small mines, the tailings are piled up at random, occupying land and polluting the environment. Reason 3: A lot of construction waste is wasted.


It is proposed to compare the physical properties of natural river sand with manufactured sand (M-sand). The current study was conducted on the mixes M30, M40 and M50. …

Analysis of strength properties of concrete containing sea sand …

Sand is often utilized as a fine aggregate in concrete, contributing 22 to 62% of the total mass. The quantity and features of sand in concrete have an impact on its workability, mechanical characteristics, and durability. Effective replacements are needed as natural silica sand becomes scarcer. By incorporating these by-products into …

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