An investigation into the flotation of muscovite with an …

Pure mineral flotation experiments were conducted on both muscovite and quartz (the feldspar as provided was too fine for flotation to be effective). All flotation tests were carried out in a 1.5 L Denver flotation cell at an airflow rate of 4.5 L/min with concentrate collected after 30 s, 60 s and 300 s. The frother Cp-102a was added as …

The effect of various surfactants on fatty acid for …

concentrate and tailing dried in an oven at 100 o C for 20 min, ... (apatite, magnetite, quartz, and biotite) flotation was investigated under the co nditions of 200 mg/ dm 3.

Effect of metal ions on the flotation separation of biotite …

Metal cations have great effects on the flotation of silicate minerals whereas the interaction mechanism is unclear. Single mineral flotation demonstrated that the recovery of biotite rose to 94.69% and 96.41%, and that of quartz declined to 1.21% and 2.01% after introducing small amounts of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+, respectively.Artificial mixed …

Predictive Geometallurgical Modeling for Flotation …

This study presents a predictive geometallurgical model for the Ouansimi copper deposit in Morocco, focusing on the flotation of mixed copper ores. The deposit was divided into two geometallurgical domains (GMD) with distinct oxidation rates using K-means clustering. The principal component analysis-partial least squares regression …

Insights into the synergistic adsorption mechanism of

Final flotation results were presented as an average of three parallel experiments. For the flotation experiments of artificially mixed minerals in this study, the iron grade was used to calculate the recovery of biotite and quartz in the concentrate, according to Eqs. (1–2).

Froth flotation of lithium micas – A review

Separation of muscovite from biotite was studied by Hanumantha Rao et al. (1990) in order to produce a high muscovite concentrate due to its strong commercial …

Flotation of mica minerals and selectivity between …

The biotite grade and recovery are found to be around 30% and 20%, respectively. A good selectivity between muscovite and siliceous gangue is obtained. A final product containing 95% muscovite with an overall recovery of 75% is obtained when the flotation concentrate is subjected to magnetic separation.

Investigating the impact of inoculation on bioleaching of …

The liberation rates of the Tizert ore and flotation concentrate samples were presented in Fig. 6. For the Tizert ore, more than 40 % of copper deportment particles were middling, and an average of 40 % of particles were locked. For the flotation concentrate, 47 % of chalcocite grains were liberated, 37 % were middling, and 16 % were locked.

Minerals | Free Full-Text | High-Grade Flake Graphite …

Based on flotation tests of composite sample R7, the best grade of final concentrate containing 85% fixed carbon at 88% recovery was achieved in the test R7-5, where the treatment was done with a pH of 8.5 and the chemical dosages were 187 g/t MIBC, 116 g/t kerosene, 1500 g/t sodium silicate, as presented in Table 1. The graphite …

Enhancing flotation separation of chalcopyrite and …

It will enter the concentrate product along with the during the flotation process, affecting the concentrate grade 8,9,10,11. In the flotation process of Copper-Nickel Sulfide Ores, reducing ...

Recovery of feldspar from trachyte by flotation

In a previous study, feldspar concentrate was obtained from trachyte using magnetic separation with a recovery of 11% by weight (Bozkurt and Ucbas, ... In the first stage, biotite flotation was conducted using cationic type collectors. In the second stage, iron and titanium bearing impurities were floated with anionic type collectors. In the ...

Electrostatic concentration of phosphate flotation concentrate

The concentration of phosphate flotation concentrate with P 2 O 5 grade lower than the commercially acceptable phosphate quality was upgraded in the use of tribo-electrostatic technique. The concentration of the flotation concentrate stream was conducted under both triboelectrification and inductive charging mechanism. ... biotite …

Flowsheet Development for Benefication of Lithium Minerals …

Flotation Flotation is widely used in the production of spodumene concentrate from hard rock lithium deposits [6,7,8].Flotation is employed to recover …

Selective flotation of apatite from micaceous minerals using patauá

Biotite and phlogopite samples also presented high Fe 2 O 3 and MgO content as a result of the substitution of aluminum ions inside the octahedral sheets, accordingly to the biotite-phlogopite series (Klein and ... Electrostatic concentration of phosphate flotation concentrate. Int. J. Min. Sci. Technol., 23 (2013), pp. 403-406, …

Rare Earth Ore Flotation Principles and Kinetics

Flotation is a complex process that works based on differences in hydrophobicity, involving a plethora of variables that enhance those differences with the goal of improving the grade and recovery of the REMs reporting to the concentrate. In this regard, flotation is briefly reviewed from reagent, machine, and flowsheet design …

Production of Spodumene Concentrate from the North …

The presence of iron-bearing minerals like biotite, tourmaline, and other amphiboles or pyroxenes, can be an obstacle in producing concentrate grading >6% Li …

An overview of the beneficiation of iron ores via reverse …

The flotation of apatite used to lower the levels of phosphorus from 0.1 to 0.025% of P 2 O 5 in the LIMS magnetite concentrate is applied as a pellet feed with a fatty-acid-type collector called Atrac 1563 (mixture of 95–98% of ethoxylated tall oil ester of maleic acid and 2–5% of maleic anhydride) at 30–70 g/t at the Kiruna (KA2) and …

Geometallurgical Modeling of the ndida Deposit

Minera ndida, located in the Antofagasta Region of northern Chile, is the world's largest producer of copper as concentrate and SX-EW cathode. Projects to increase mill and flotation capacity began soon after start-up in 1990 to off-set decreasing copper grade. Subsequent projects had the objective to increase copper production …

Flotation of mica minerals and selectivity between …

The biotite grade and recovery are found to be around 30% and 20%, respectively. A good selectivity between muscovite and siliceous gangue is obtained. A final product containing 95% muscovite with an overall recovery of 75% is obtained when the flotation concentrate is subjected to magnetic separation. These studies indicate the …

Mineralogy and Beneficiation of Lamujärvi Syenites

Major silicate minerals biotite, plagioclase and K_felspar but garnet was removed in the flotation concentrate. Meanwhile, the contents of Fe-oxides are low in the Flo REE-Ti Conc. Garnet was concentrated into Flo REE-Ti Conc which could be due to its similarity to allanite, apatite and titanite on crystal properties and floatability [10] .

Minerals | Free Full-Text | The Distribution Regularity and Flotation …

Flotation experiments explored the optimal flotation conditions for HOBA (1-hydroxyoctyl-1,1-bisphosphonic acid) as a flotation collector for Baiyun Obo niobium minerals, which is able to increase the grade of Nb 2 O 5 in the concentrate to 1.31%. The optimal use conditions of the reagent are pH 3.5–4.5, and the amount of the collector is ...

Flotation of quartz, biotite, muscovite, albite, orthoclase and

Micro-flotation outcomes indicated that the quartz floatability was more than phlogopite and biotite. In the presence of 30 mg/dm 3 EDA, their recoveries were 97.1, 46.3, and 63.8%, respectively.

A Review on Potash Recovery from Different Rock and …

The mineral phases biotite and phlogopite are more easily weathered as compared with muscovite and phengite phases of mica when subjected ... The flotation concentrate has been upgraded to 10.51% K 2 O from the original 3.78% K 2 O by following the stage-wise flotation tree technique (Fig. 7). Flotation at the natural pH of …

Biodegradable ether amines for reverse cationic flotation

Jintian et al. indicated that the reverse flotation-hydrogen reduction could be used to produce the ultra-pure magnetite concentrate (72.12% Fe and 0.19% SiO 2) when d 80 was − 37 μm 12.

Mechanism of separating muscovite and quartz by flotation

Flotation experiments were performed to investigate the separation of muscovite and quartz in the presence of dodecylamine (DDA), tallow amine (TTA) and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAC). The adsorption mechanisms of these three kinds of amines on muscovite and quartz were studied by FT-IR spectrum analysis, …

Effect of metal ions on the flotation separation of biotite …

DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.119184 Corpus ID: 261001574; Effect of metal ions on the flotation separation of biotite from quartz using mixed anionic/cationic collectors …

Mixed collector systems in flotation

The flotation behaviour of muscovite and biotite minerals in the presence of mixed oleate/dodecyl amine collectors at a natural pH of 7.5 is shown in Fig. 5 (Hanumantha Rao et al., 1995). Muscovite exhibits higher negative potentials than biotite, and consequently, the onset of muscovite flotation is found to be at a lower amine …

Advancements in Removing Fluorine from Copper Concentrate

Fluorine is present in several minerals at Alemão, including fluorapatite, biotite, chlorite, fluorite, allanite, monazite, and amphiboles. Bench scale flotation tests were carried out on the deposits, resulting in the production of a copper concentrate containing 0.11–0.27% F and 20% Cu.

Effect of metal ions on the flotation separation of biotite …

Under the NaOL/DDA flotation system, a concentrate with a biotite recovery of 93.77% and a quartz recovery of 10.17% was obtained, and the Gaudin's …

Flotation of mica minerals and selectivity between muscovite …

The biotite grade and recovery are found to be around 30% and 20%, respectively. A good selectivity between muscovite and siliceous gangue is obtained. A …

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