The effects of limestone type on the sulphur capture of slaked lime

Laursen et al. [18,19] found that the addition of alkali metal ions improved the sulfur capture capacity of limestone. Siagi et al. [20] reported that the presence of Fe 2 O 3 had a positive ...

Nitrate Removal in Sulfur: Limestone Pond Reactors

The feasibility of using sulfur:limestone autotrophic denitrification (SLAD) pond reactors to treat nitrate-contaminated water or wastewater after secondary treatment was investigated with four lab-scale continuously fed SLAD ponds. The start-up period, temperature effects, and effects of different feed solutions were evaluated.

The effect of sintering on sulphur capture by limestone and …

The effects of sintering on sulphur capture by calcined and partially calcined limestone and dolomite was demonstrated by Agnew et al. [22]. The authors mentioned that most desulphurization ...

High-temperature reaction between sulphur dioxide and …

The influence of H20 on sulphur capture by limestone has been tested in the study under constant oxidizing conditions as well as under alternating conditions. …

The effect of limestone on SO

The effect of limestone on NH 3 formation is also observed to be strongly dependent on the coal type. 2. SO 2 emission decreases after limestone addition for all coal types examined. Sulfur removal efficiencies for lignite, bituminous, anthracite, and semi-coke are 31%, 64%, 42%, and 51%, respectively.

How does acid precipitation affect marble and limestone …

When sulfurous, sulfuric, and nitric acids in polluted air and rain react with the calcite in marble and limestone, the calcite dissolves. In exposed areas of buildings and statues, we see roughened surfaces, removal of material, and loss of carved details. Stone surface material may be lost all over or only in spots that are more reactive. You might expect …

Effects of temperature and limestone on sulfur release …

Sulfur release behaviors were quantitatively determined in a lab-scale fluidized bed during oxygen rich-steam gasification. • Increasing temperature can promote the release of sulfur and the conversion to gaseous inorganic sulfur. • The addition of limestone will reduce the released sulfur and increase the molar ratio of H 2 S/COS. •

Pyrrhotite-sulfur-limestone composite for high rate …

Pyrrhotite-sulfur-limestone composite (PSLC) was prepared and PSLC autotrophic denitrification biofilter (PSLCAD) was constructed with PSLC particle (2–4.75 mm) in this study. ... The synergistic effects between pyrrhotite and sulfur autotrophic denitrification were much enhanced, and that caused PSLCAD to achieve high rate N …

Effect of organics on sulfur-utilizing autotrophic …

Sulfur-utilizing denitrification can be performed by denitrifying sulfur bacteria under autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions.To investigate the effect of organics (methanol and landfill leachate) on sulfur-utilizing denitrification, six laboratory-scale sulfur packed columns were operated under autotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic …

The Benefits and Effects of Limestone | Sciencing

The benefits and effects of limestone: High in calcium: Helps makes lawns green. Curbs pollution: Removes sulfur dioxide from coal plant smokestacks. Good for ponds: Increases nutrient availability, fish growth and alkalinity. Water treatment: Helps to remove excessive iron from water, reduce water pH. Building materials: Is an essential ...

Effects of the Limestone Particle Size on the Sulfation …

Limestone particle size has a crucial influence on SO 2 capture efficiency, however there are few studies on the sulfation reactivity, which covers a broad range of particle sizes at low SO 2 concentrations. In this paper, a large-capacity thermogravimetric analyzer (LC-TGA) was developed to obtain the sulfur removal reaction rate under a …

Reaction between Sulfur Dioxide and Limestone under …

Abstract. To better understand the sulfur capture process during fluidized bed combustion, the reaction between sulfur dioxide and limestone has been investigated under periodically changing oxidizing and reducing conditions. All experiments were …

The effects of limestone type on the sulphur capture of …

Limestone is found in many forms and is classified in terms of its origin, chemical composition, structure, and geological formation. The key requirements in specifying a limestone are that the limestone should have an acceptable "reactivity" with respect to the reaction with sulphur dioxide and a high %CaCO 3. The factors which …

Sulfur Dioxide Basics | US EPA

What are the health effects of SO 2? Short-term exposures to SO 2 can harm the human respiratory system and make breathing difficult. People with asthma, particularly children, are sensitive to these effects of SO 2. SO 2 emissions that lead to high concentrations of SO 2 in the air generally also lead to the formation of other sulfur …

High-temperature reaction between sulfur dioxide and …

47. Study and Kinetic Modeling of Direct Sulfation of Iranian Limestones by Sulfur Dioxide at High CO2 Partial Pressure. Askari Sima R. Hałaj M. Nikazar. Environmental Science, …

Effects of temperature and limestone on sulfur release behaviors …

Meanwhile, limestone was fed together with raw coal to investigate its effect on sulfur release behaviors, and the molar ratio of calcium in limestone to sulfur in coal is 2 (Ca/S = 2). After the temperature and pressure stabilized, the produced gas was collected at the outlet of the reactor and measured by chromatographic.

Bench-scale and modelling study of the effect of H2O on sulphur …

The sulphur capture via limestone injection is based on two global reactions in normal air combustion conditions, ... In general, the addition of H 2 O(g) does not have a significant effect on sulphur capture during the initial periods whereas at later stages H 2 O(g) addition clearly enhances the sulphur capture. Such a behaviour can …

Bench-scale and modelling study of the effect of H2O on sulphur …

The effect of H 2 O(g) on limestone reactions was examined with bench scale reactor.. Calcination and sulphation were studied in air and oxycombustion conditions.. A single particle model was used to analyze the experimental results. • The results showed enhanced sulphur capture in presence of water vapour.

Effect of water treatment chemicals on limestone/sulfur …

@article{osti_80136, title = {Effect of water treatment chemicals on limestone/sulfur dioxide reaction in flue gas desulfurization systems}, author = {Dille, E R and Gaikwad, R P}, abstractNote = {A simple laboratory test has been developed which simulates the reaction between limestone/water and sulfur dioxide in flue gas …

Sulphur Chemistry in Combustion I | SpringerLink

Abstract. Most fossil fuels contain sulphur and also biofuels and waste have a sulphur content. As a consequence sulphur species will often be present in combustion processes. In this paper the fate and influence of fuel sulphur species in combustion will be treated. First a description of the sulphur compounds in fossil fuels and the ...

Linking the SO2 emission of cement plants to the sulfur …

In a properly operated new suspension preheater (NSP) cement line, the SO 2 emission is mainly originated from sulfides in the raw meal, and limestone, occupying about 85% wt. of the raw meal, is the dominant sulfur source. However, the sulfur characteristics of limestones and then their influences on the SO 2 emission have not …

The effect of water on the sulphation of limestone

Limestone is widely used for controlling sulfur emissions from fluidized bed combustion. Flue gases generated by coal combustion mainly consist of N2, O2, CO2, SOx, NOx, and about 5–15% water vapor.

Sulfation reaction between SO2 and limestone: Application …

Limestones pre-calcinated at 900°C in inert atmosphere were subjected to 0.35% by volume SO2. It was observed that sulfation reaction rate was high in the early stages. The conversion for the ...

(PDF) Effects of the Limestone Particle Size on the Sulfation

Limestone particle size has a crucial influence on SO2 capture efficiency, however there are few studies on the sulfation reactivity, which covers a broad range of particle sizes at low SO2 ...

The effect of water on the sulphation of limestone

The results showed that water improved the limestone sulphation ratio by as much as 60%. The effect of water was most noticeable during the diffusion-controlled stage, and much less so for the initial kinetically-controlled sulphation stage, especially for smaller particle sizes. One possible explanation is that, in the presence of water, CaO.

Sulfur dioxide and acid rain

The atmosphere and the environment Sulfur dioxide and acid rain. ... Effects of acid rain. Acid rain reacts with metals and rocks such as limestone. Buildings and statues are damaged as a result ...

Reaction of sulfur dioxide with limestone and the grain model

Experimental measurements of the reaction of sulfur dioxide and oxygen with limestones have demonstrated substantial influence of the geologic origin of the stone, its porosity and particle size, gaseous concentration of sulfur dioxide, and temperature on the course of reaction and the conversion (that is, the degree of utilization of the limestone content of …

Effect of SO2 Dry Deposition on Porous Dolomitic Limestones

The main effects of sulfur dioxide on limestones are the formation of crusts and the loss of material due to solubilization, which can represent the 30–50% of material loss [ 2 ]. The loss of material can also be produced where weathering crusts reach certain thicknesses and then drop from the stone surface [ 3 ].

Impact fragmentation of limestone-based sorbents for

The effect of SO 2 and/or H 2 O was assessed with reference to six carbonation atmospheres, with different concentrations of steam (0 and 10%v) and sulphur dioxide (0, 75 and 1500 ppmv). After ten CaL cycles, the particles were tested ex-situ in an impact test rig, consisting of a duct where samples were entrained in a gas stream at a ...

Nitrate removal from ground water by …

Abstract. Sulphur/limestone filtration proves to be a simple, reliable and cheap process for the removal of nitrate from ground water. The process is carried out according to the slow sand filter ...

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