The depression of molybdenite flotation by sodium metabisulphite …

The flotation of molybdenite at 106 and 53 µm without and with the addition of MBS was carried out in DI water first. The MBS concentration varied from 0 to 2 mmol/L in line with the previous study to depress pyrite in copper and molybdenum flotation (Mu and Peng, 2019).Fig. 1 (a) shows the flotation recoveries of 106 µm molybdenite. Without the …

Application of macromolecular organic polymer S-7261A in …

An organic compound S-7261A exhibiting satisfactory selectivity and powerful depression on arsenopyrite was introduced to replace sodium sulfite (Na 2 SO 3) in the separation of Cu-S-As bulk concentrate in Yunnan Datun Mill.The results of batch flotation tests indicated its excellent selective depressing power on both pyrite and …

Sodium Sulfite Manufacturers and Supplier In India

Sodium Sulphite is primarily used in pulp and paper industry. Also, it is used in several other applications as ore flotation, oil recovery, food preservatives, boil treatment, iron exchange, fire, pesticide controller, in making dyes, detergents and in textile industries.

Effect of sodium silicate on the flotation separation of …

A combination depressant SHI was composed of sodium sulfite (Na 2 SO 3) and sulfonated lignin (SL) in a 5:1 M ratio.In this study, SHI and sodium silicate (Na 2 SiO 3) were employed to inhibit the floatability of galena, and the synergies between agents was explored.Micro-flotation results shown that after 2.4 × 10 −4 mol/L SHI was added, …

Flotation of sphalerite and pyrite in the presence of sodium sulfite

Chalcopyrite and pyrite floatabilities in the presence of sodium sulfide and sodium metabisulfite in a high pyritic copper complex ore. A. Hassanzadeh M. Hasanzadeh. Materials Science, Chemistry. 2017. ABSTRACT One of the principal problems in flotation of copper complex ores is the presence of pyrite and copper-activated pyrite in …

Sodium Sulfite | Na2SO3 | CID 24437

Sodium Sulfite | Na2SO3 or Na2O3S | CID 24437 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more. ... miscellaneous, including textile bleaching, food preservatives, chemical intermediate, ore flotation and oil ...

Behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfite depression of almandine from

Sodium sulfite has been utilized in the mineral industry principally as a depressant for a variety of sulfide ores.In this study, it was tested as a depressant in flotation of oxidized ore from its silicate mineral gangue. Selective flotation of rutile from almandine was investigated using sodium sulfite as a regulator and an octadecyl amine …

Investigations on the depressant effect of sodium

Sulfite, sodium sulfite and polyphosphates could also depress galena but they have high requirements for the flotation operating conditions (Dávila-Pulido et al., 2011). Lime exhibits few negative effects on the environment and is mostly used reagents in polymetallic sulfide flotation plants but its usage is always dependent of the collector ...

Flotation of sphalerite and pyrite in the presence of sodium sulfite

Sodium sulfite (Na 2 SO 3 ) was used as a pyrite depressant in separation of sphalerite and pyrite using flotation [12] and in a complex ore containing enargite and chalcopyrite [13]. Houot and ...

Flotation Depressant | SpringerLink

(4) Sodium sulfide. Used as a depressant of sulfide ore in flotation operations, such as the use of sodium sulfide to depress pyrite in the production of molybdenum mineral processing. (5) Water glass. It is a commonly used as depressant of quartz, silicate, and aluminosilicate minerals, and has a certain dispersing effect. (6) …

(PDF) Behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfite depression …

It has also been na used successfully in flotation of complex ore containing enargite and chalcopyrite [32]. The depressing action of Na2SO3 on the selective depression of sulphide minerals could be ur attributed to the following mechanisms: formation of a metal sulphite hydrophilic surface layer and consumption of copper ions in solution by ...

Rejection of arsenic minerals in sulfide flotation — A literature

In the case of gersdorffite (NiAsS), however, pre-oxidation with hydrogen peroxide was reported to enhance the depression of gersdorffite in the flotation of Garson Ni–Cu ore using magnesia mixture or TSS (the combination of triethylenetetramine and sodium sulfite) as depressants (Dai et al., 2005). It is noteworthy to point out that the ...

The use of sodium sulphite to improve the flotation …

The inhibitors used for flotation separation of copper-lead sulfide ores mainly include both inorganic and organic inhibitors. Inorganic inhibitors include cyanide and dichromate [17], sulfite [18], sodium sulfite [19] and polyphosphates [20,21]. However, these inhibitors are often toxic and harmful to the environment.

Flotation of Lead-Zinc Sulfide Ore

Lead-zinc ore flotation. Lead-zinc ore is a polymetallic mineral-rich in elemental lead and elemental zinc, mainly in the form of sulfide lead-zinc ore and oxide lead-zinc ore. ... (H 2 SO 3), sodium sulfite, and sodium thiosulfate. Sulfur dioxide dissolves in water to form sulfurous acid: SO 2 +H 2 O=H 2 SO 3. The solubility of sulfur …

Upgrading of talc-bearing copper-nickel sulfide ore by froth flotation …

Upgrading of talc-bearing copper-nickel sulfide ore by froth flotation using sodium phytate as depressant. Author links open overlay panel Jie Xie a b, Wei Sun a, Kaile Zhao ... In batch-scale flotation tests of feed ore, containing 0.35% Cu, 0.68% Ni and 24.57% MgO, potassium butyl xanthate was employed as the collector in rougher (200 g/t ...

Role of Sodium Sulfide – Copper Lead & Zinc Ore Flotation

Role of Sodium Sulfide - Copper Lead & Zinc Ore Flotation. Table of Contents. Sodium sulfide is one of the most widely used alkali metal sulfides in the …

Application and depression mechanism of sodium sulfite

Sodium sulfite (Na 2 SO 3) is an inorganic depressant commonly used in the flotation of sulfide minerals (Lin et al., 2018, Shen et al., 2001, Zhou et al., 1997). Regarding combined depressants, Na 2 SO 3 and ZnSO 4 are typically combined for the …

Floatability of chalcopyrite in the presence of dialkyl-thionocarbamate

The use of sodium sulfite in the flotation of sulfide ores using a dialkyl-thionocarbamate as collector enables us to obtain, in most cases, a good selectivity for copper sulfide from other sulfides. ... FLOTATION WITH SYNTHETIC ORE 277 With a cast iron laboratory batch mill (and lime as pH regulator), the agreement with natural ore is …

Behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfite depression of …

It has also been used successfully in flotation of complex ore containing enargite and chalcopyrite [32]. ... It is clear from the micro flotation studies that sodium sulfite had noticeable depressing effect on the almandine floatability. To identify the type and exposure of the surface species that might be responsible for almandine depression ...

Flotation of sphalerite and pyrite in the presence of sodium sulfite

The effect of sulfite is more important on pyrite flotation than on sphalerite flotation, hence the better separation obtained in the presence of sodium sulfite. Sphalerite flotation slightly decreases with an increase in sodium sulfite concentration with recoveries (after 8 min of flotation) of 88% in the absence and 73% in the presence …

Selective depression of galena by sodium polyaspartate

The use of sodium-sulfite to improve the flotation selectivity between chalcopyrite and galena in a complex sulfide ore. Miner. Eng. (1992) F. Ikumapayi et al. Recycling of process water in sulphide flotation: Effect of calcium and sulphate ions on flotation of galena. Miner. Eng.

(PDF) Effect of Sodium Sulfite on Floatability of …

Sodium hydrogen sulfide (NaHS) is commonly used as a copper depressant in the selective flotation of copper and molybdenum ores. However, the process is facing health and safety issues because ...

Flotation of copper oxide minerals: A review

With an increase in the sodium sulfide dosage, the flotation recovery of cuprite is basically zero at a low E h ... Copper recovery from Yulong complex copper oxide ore by flotation and magnetic separation. JOM, 69 (9) (2017), pp. 1563-1569. CrossRef View in Scopus Google Scholar [101]

Effect of sodium carbonate on alkaline self-leaching of …

As the multi-element analysis shown in Table 1, gold-bearing flotation concentrate selected for the study of OPASL are rich with sulphur, iron, silicon and arsenic, which the content is 20.57%, 15.46%, 13.26% and 2.14%, respectively.The content of Au measuring 53.13 g/Mg is relatively high. The main phases of flotation concentrate were …

Sulfide Mineral Bioflotation Optimization and Prediction by …

In recent years, applying biotechnological and environmentally friendly processes as an alternative to hazardous chemical usage such as cyanide in mineral processing has …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Effect of Sodium Sulfite …

Sodium hydrogen sulfide (NaHS) is commonly used as a copper depressant in the selective flotation of copper and molybdenum ores. However, the process is facing health and safety issues because …

Electrochemical mechanism and flotation of chalcopyrite …

Key words: flotation electrochemistry; chalcopyrite; galena; sodium sulfite; sodium silicate 1 Introduction Chalcopyrite, as the major copper source from secondary mineral deposits, is the most abundant copper sulfide mineral accounting for nearly 70% of the total copper reserves globally [1âˆ'4].

Sulfide Flotation

Sulfide ore flotation is a complex electrochemical system. Electron transfer not only occurs between the sulfide minerals and flotation reagent molecules, but it also happens among different sulfide minerals. ... Copper was eluted from the resin using 0.5 mol/L ammonia thiosulfate and gold was eluted using sodium chloride and sulfite mixture ...

Froth Flotation of Chalcopyrite/Pyrite Ore: A Critical Review

Cruz et al. used an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide to improve the flotation performance of Cu–Mo ore with high clay content. Arias et al. ... Adding 2 × 10 −4 mol/L of sodium sulfite, the depression of pyrite was pronounced, lowering its recovery from 37% to 13%. This was caused by the oxidation of copper on the surface of the ore ...

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Effect of Sodium Sulfite on …

Sodium sulfite (Na 2 SO 3) was used as a pyrite depressant in separation of sphalerite and pyrite using flotation and in a complex ore containing enargite and chalcopyrite . Houot and Duhamet reported that sodium sulfide (Na 2 S) depressed the floatability of chalcopyrite in the presence of dialkyl-thionocarbamate as a collector. …

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