Spiral Chute | Spiral Separator

Product Structure. The Spiral separator/ spiral chute is the earliest mining machine. It has been used to classify the granularity 0.3-0.02 millimeters fine grain like iron, tin, tungsten, tantalum-niobium, gold ore, coal mine, monazite, rutile, zircon, and other metals. The non-metallic minerals which have a big enough specific gravity difference.

Weba custom designs chute solution for gold mine

02 September 2019. Specially designed ore silo chutes from Weba Chute Systems will be installed at a South African gold mine to reduce mill wear and other processing challenges caused by the uncontrolled flow of mined material into the mills. Developed in collaboration with Kwatani, a leading local manufacture of vibrating screens and feeders ...

The Function of Chute Liners in Mining

A well-executed chute liner system mitigates wear-related problems and material blockages, minimizing equipment downtimes. This, in turn, extends equipment running hours, magnifying its utilization and overall output. Nurturing a Healthier Workspace: A healthy work environment is pivotal for mining personnel well-being and …

Underground Ore Loading Chutes; Ore Chute Design

1. Platform chutes. A. Chinaman chutes. B. Scraper loading chutes. 2. Simple stopboard gates. A. Cleated; boards between sides of chute. B. Projecting; boards supported by iron brackets. 3. Vertical overcut or "guillotine." A. Operated by hand lever. B. Air-operated. C. Rack-and-pinion … See more

Detail Parts

Part # M3: Part # M5: $59.99. Part # M7: Part # M8: Automatic ore feeders are used to eliminate hand feeding of material into the stamp battery. The Challenge ore feeder has an iron hopper that collects ore from the ore bin. Under the hopper is a circular table inclined toward the stamp battery mortar which slowly revolves.

Careful chute design can cut coal dust generation

Careful chute design can cut coal dust generation. Visual inspection of a transfer chute underway. 30th March 2023. Font size: - +. The generation of coal dust around conveyer systems and transfer ...

BULKtalk: Best practice in chute design – Part one

The chute design might also consider whether airflow created by the movement of the bulk material creates or manages dust emissions. Use the model to design dust extract locations and shapes. Wear liners wear out. Better flow control and better wear materials allow liners to last longer, but they will need replacement.

Development of design criteria for reducing wear in iron ore …

Option 4 - design highlighting the influence of chute geometry. While atypical of Australian iron ore operations, the transfer head height of approximately 11.0 m (typical head heights are in the order of 7.0 m) and the generally high corresponding velocities, accentuate the wear of the chute and belt. 4.1.

Design Analysis of Underground Mine Ore Passes: …

ore pass chutes and gates that could be easily and cheaply implemented in the field. Measurement of tensile strain on the support bolts provided an accurate representation of muck loading forces. A typical mine ore chute and support structure is shown in figure 1. A full-scale mock-up of this assembly was constructed with support bolts suspended on

BULKtalk: Best practice in chute design – Part one

Bulk material flow is the main function of a chute. The design should consider the discharge from the chute to the next conveyor or to a bin or stockpile. The chute design might also consider whether airflow …

Transfer Chutes

Check out our wide line of chutes for your mining or aggregate operation. 800.332.2781. ABOUT. About Us. ... Ore comes from a draw point such …

Development of design criteria for reducing wear in iron ore …

In Australia, the inclination of transfer chute walls when handling iron ore is typically at minimum angles of 65–70° to the horizontal. An important reason for this categorical value widely accepted by industry is to prevent build-up and minimise the propensity for chute blockage and downtime during handling highly cohesive and …

OneTunnel | Broken Hill Ore Chute Design

THE Broken Hill mining field, approximately 31 miles in length, is at present being exploited by seven companies, viz. : North Broken Hill Limited, Junction North Broken Hill No Liability, Broken Hill Proprietary Block 14 Company, Broken Hill ProprietaryCompany Limited, Sulphide Corporation Limited, Broken Hill South Limited, and Zinc Corporation …


The ore chute is powered by a hydraulic power pack which has `fail shut' redundancy. The arc gate and chain curtain which are used to control the flow of ore are operated through dual manual controls. The design of the ore chute was to be able to control the flow of ore using only the chain curtain, the arc gate, or a combination of both.

Design engineering manufacturing process tank, ore bin, chute…

Mining. Since its establishment, the company has always been involved in the mining industry, both locally and internationally, and continues to maintain its leadership. Fournier Industries Group Inc. is specialized in design, detailed engineering, drawings, project management, manufacturing and installation of various types of mining equipment ...

Ore Chute | Article about Ore Chute by The Free Dictionary

Ore Chute. a vertical or inclined mining excavation for transporting ore and other useful minerals by force of gravity. Hatch devices or feeders are installed in the lower portions of ore chutes for loading ore into hauling vessels or onto conveyors. Depending on use and the length of service, a distinction is made between capital and block ore ...

Waste & Ore Pass Design @ Underground …

At the Hollinger mine in Ontario a system of ore and waste passes parallels the Central shaft from surface to the skip-loading pockets below the 2,750-foot-level station, and another system parallels the No. …

Ore Pass

It is designed based on the gravitational force between different ground levels, in order to provide a convenient material handling system and reduce haulage …

Taking Intelligence Underground | Rockwell …

The Main Components of Ore Feeder: 1-fan Regulating Gate; 2-feeding Trough Plate; 3-feeding plate; 4-roller; 5-crank Connecting Rod; 6-transmission device. The chute feeder is suitable for industrial sectors …

Revolutionizing Chromium Ore Beneficiation: Exploring the …

In the realm of chromium ore beneficiation, spiral chutes have emerged as a game-changing technology. With their unique working principles and advantages, these gravity-based ore sorting devices are revolutionizing the efficiency and productivity of international chromium mining operations. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies …

Chute Design Essentials – How to Design and Implement …

A chute is defined in the Oxford dictionary as "A sloping channel or slide for conveying things to a lower level". This is a perfect definition of both a curved chute, where the chute body acts as the slide or of the sloping portion of the material in a Rock-Box type chute where the material is the slide. 2. The Problems (Challenges) with ...


According to [10], downtime of the main belt conveyor in a copper mine in Chile, which produces 100,000 metric tons of ore per day, may lead to as much as $250,000 loss per hour. Except failure ...

Innovative Weba Chute design gets rock moving …

Innovative Weba Chute design gets rock moving again in deep gold mine - International Mining. Posted by Paul Moore on 13th November 2019. When bottlenecks were preventing one of the world's …

World's largest ore chute created in Sudbury

A manufacturing shop in Greater Sudbury has created the largest ore chute in the world, which will soon be shipped out and installed in one of the largest copper and gold mining operations in the world, the Rio Tinto Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia. The massive steel chute, as big as a house and with built-in safety features, was …

Variant Mining creates world's largest ore chute

A manufacturing shop in Greater Sudbury has created the largest ore chute in the world that will soon be shipped out and installed in one of the largest copper and gold mining operations in the world, the …


Galison design and manufacture a wide range of box fronts and chutes for loading hoppers and ore cars. Chutes can be side loading or in-line from the hanging wall. Galison has experience with most chute designs including Radial Door, Chain type and combinations thereof. Our modern chutes are designed to continuously load complete trains of up ...

Handling Ore in Stopes and Drifts

The object of all stoping is to mine ore of good grade at low cost. In Butte, the major part of the ore is mined, from veins dipping from 60° to the horizontal to those which are vertical, by means of square-set, …

Weba Chute Systems Archives

Weba Chute Systems bids farewell to founder Werner Baller. 29th January 2024 Bulk handling, Mining people Mark Baller, Weba Chute Systems, Werner Baller Daniel Gleeson. Werner Baller, founder of Weba Chute Systems, has passed away, leaving behind him a bulk material handling legacy. Born in 1940 in Brotdhof, West Germany, …

Broken Hill Ore Chute Design

THE Broken Hill mining field, approximately 31 miles in length, is at present being exploited by seven companies, viz. : North Broken Hill Limited, Junction North Broken Hill No Liability, Broken Hill Proprietary Block 14 Company, Broken Hill ProprietaryCompany Limited, Sulphide Corporation Limited, Broken Hill South Limited, and Zinc Corporation …

TUNRA's 10 Commandments for reliable transfer chute design

Commandment #10: The slope of the fines (scraper/dribble) chutes shalt be of adequate inclination to prevent any material hang-up occurring i.e. dribble chutes must be self-clearing. The material that is captured by the belt scraper is very different from the mainstream being conveyed.

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