DEPT. OF ECE, MRCET DSP LAB MANUAL - 2 - PART A - LIST OF EXPERIMENTS USING MATLAB INTRODUCTION TO MATLAB MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory): MATLAB is a software package for high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use

Consistency Test Of Cement: Importance, Procedure, And

Cement Consistency Calculation. Consistency Test Of Cement: Importance, Procedure, and Interpretation of Results 6. Weight of cement = 300 gm, % of water = 26% to 38 % (normal consistency of OPC range between this) Take 26% of water for the test, then the amount of water to be added in 300 gm of cement will be. = 300 x 26%.


experiments. The book was written as per the new syllabus prescribed by the JNTUH university in a simple language. Some of the additional experiments apart from the …

CE 39007 – Concrete Lab

Experiment 1 Fabrication of Reinforcement Cage for RC and PC Beams. 2 RCC Beam PCC Beam. 3 Detailed Information BBS. 4 Experiment 2 ... Microsoft PowerPoint - CE 39007 – Concrete Lab - Lecture2 [Compatibility Mode] Author: usr …

Concrete Testing Procedures

Once the concrete sample has been remixed, start taking the slump tests within 5 minutes. Start by filling a mold 12 inches high in the shape of the frustum of a cone that is 8 inches in diameter at the bottom and 4 inches in diameter at the top. Fill the mold in three equal layers by volume, not by height.


the Highway Engineering & Concrete Technology Lab Manual is to furnish the conceptual understanding of the basic principles and procedures of testing concrete and highway …


7. After the experiment, disconnect the connections and put back the connecting wires/leads at appropriate place. 8. Return all the apparatus to the lab-staff. 9. In case of shock, switch-off the power supply immediately. 10. Strictly follow the procedure given with the respective experiments. 11. Avoid loose connections. 12.


LABORATORY CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Students should report to the labs concerned as per the scheduled time table. 2. Students, who report late to the labs will not be permitted to perform the experiment scheduled for the day. 3. Students to bring a 100 pages note book to enter the readings /observations while performing the experiment. 4.

Electrical & Electronics Measurement Laboratory Manual

Experiment No- 2 (B) Aim of the Experiment: Measuring an unknown capacitance using Schering's Capacitance Bridge. Objective: To measure the unknown capacitance where the balance equation is independent of frequency. Device/Equipments Required: i. Schering's Capacitance Bridge Trainer Kit ii. DC Supply (+12V, -12V) iii. Function Generator iv.

CE 202 Engineering Materials Lab (Lab Manual)

CE 202 Engineering Materials Lab (Lab Manual) Department of Civil Engineering. Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Fall 2022. Preface. In Civil …

Concrete TEST

name of experiment civil engineering lab 1 (cive 2116) concrete workability test on fresh concrete compression test on hardened concrete 20/21 …


Note: While conducting the experiment the machine is maintained at constant speed. 6. After the experiment is completed the various rheostats are brought back to their original position in sequence and then main supply is switched off. PRECAUTIONS: 1. The field rheostat of motor should be in minimum resistance position at the time of starting to

BIOL 1107: Principles of Biology I Lab Manual (Burran and DesRochers)

This page titled BIOL 1107: Principles of Biology I Lab Manual (Burran and DesRochers) is shared under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Susan Burran and David DesRochers (GALILEO Open Learning Materials) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed …

Cement and Concrete Lab | AET

AET delivers construction materials testing and services you can trust. The AET Concrete/Cement Laboratory has tested and provided different services related to concrete and other cement-based materials for projects across the US and around the world. We support the construction and renovation of heavy civil projects, high-rises, …

Building Technology 1: Concrete Lab Tests & Procedures

1) Practical tasks description Weight: 7.5% of your overall assessment. The laboratory tests designed to be carried out during the intensive school are commonly used to determine the properties of concrete: • Reinforcement tying; • Slump test. • Mixing and casting test specimens; • Testing of two beams (under-reinforced and over-reinforced); …

CIVE1177 Lab Manual

Lab manual cive1177 concrete structures laboratory manual 2018 experiment concrete mix design and casting of reinforced concrete beam experiment destructive. Skip to document. University; High School. ... Experiment 1: Concrete Mix Design and Casting of a . Reinforced Concrete Beam . Experiment 2: Destructive Testing of a Reinforced .


Read carefully and understand the description of the experiment in the lab manual. You may go to the lab at an earlier date to look at the experimental facility and understand it better. Consult the appropriate references to be completely familiar with the concepts and hardware. 2. Make sure that your observation for previous week experiment is ...

LAB TEST 8 Compressive Strength OF Concrete

to determine the load at which the concrete members may crack. Furthermore, splitting tensile strength test on concrete cylinder is a method to determine the tensile strength of concrete. The procedure based on the ASTM C496 (Standard Test Method of Cylindrical Concrete Specimen) which similar to other codes like IS 5816 1999.

structural ENGINEERING laboratory

laboratory COURSE CODE: BCE05004: 0-0-3 (CR 1.5) ... TEST FOR CONCRETE: 1. Mix design of Concrete 2. Testing of RCC beam 3. Non-destructive tests of concrete (C) TEST ON SOME REGULAR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PROBLEMS: 1. Finding reactions and forces for three hinged arch ... From the above experiment, the unit mass/meter, area of …

Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory Manual

Title of Experiment: Assembly language programming using 8086 Microprocessor kit Aim of the Experiment: (To be chosen from Table B) Brief Theory: (as per the aim of the experiment to be performed) Apparatus required: 8086 Microprocessor kit; Regulated DC power supply Experimental Procedure: 1. Steps to enter the program • Press "RESET"

(PDF) lab manual | mohan reddy

The solution turns pink.Place the conical flas k on a glazed tile. Add oxalic acid from the burette to the conical flask.Keep the conical flask swirling after each addition of oxalic acid.Add oxalic acid in small amount initially and then dropwise. Near the end point the pink colour fades away.


Signal & System Lab ( KEC-453) ECE Department, SRMGPC, Lko Prepared By Faculty In-charge Checked By Head of Department Page 1 EXPERIMENT NO. 1 OBJECT: Introduction to MATLAB. (i) To define and use variables and functions in MATLAB. (ii) To define and use vectors, matrices and polynomials in MATLAB.

MSBTE Lab Manuals with Answer

Here Practical Lab Manuals of all semester of diploma engineering are available in PDF to download. ... Basic Science (Physics) (22102) Solved. Download. Basic Science (Physics) 2 (22102) Solved. ... Concrete Technology (22305) Solved. Download. Strength of Materials (22306) Solved.


lab manual ce6411 strength of materials laboratory. ... list of experiments: 1. tension test on mild steel 2. double shear test 3. torsion test on mild steel bar 4. compressive test on wood ... 11. tension test on carriage spring 12. test on cement total: 45 periods. ce 6411 strength of materials laboratory vvit department of civil engineering ...


1. Determination of setting time of standard cement paste. 3. Specific gravity of cement. 6. Fineness test of cement by sieve analysis. 8. Compressive strength test of hydraulic …

LAB 5: DC Motors

Lab procedure. 4.1 Setup . Set up the DC motor in the separately excited mode by connecting a 60V source to the field winding. Use the lab power supply for this purpose. You will have to ensure that the dual supplies are linked (tracking) in order to get 60V from the two 30V supplies . Make sure you did connect the power supply outputs correctly.


Laboratory Experiments Mapping with Course Outcomes S. No. Experiments to be covered Mapped CO 1 Introduction to embedded systems lab content. -- 2 Programming using Arithmetic and logical instructions of 8051. CO 1 & 2 3 Timer programming of 8051. CO 1 & 2 4 Counter programming of 8051. ...


LAB MANUAL. B. E III Year - V Semester. NAME: . ROLL NO: . BRANCH: . Concrete and construction technology Lab. TESTING ON CEMENT AND CONCRETE. EXPERIMENT …

Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete

OPC consists essentially of calcium silicates and reacts chemically with water and hardens. We will need 5.5kg of OPC cement. The mixing procedure of the dry materials Step 1 - Batching 1) Starting scaling 7.5kg of 20mm aggregate Fig. 1. Aggregate: 20mm size 2) Add on 3.75kg 10mm aggregate Fig. 2.

Laboratory Manual Theory of Machine & Mechanism Lab

List of Experiments: 1 Study of Ackermans Steering Gear Mechanism. 2 To study various types of gears. 3 To study various types of gear trains 4 To draw velocity diagram of slider crank mechanism. 5 To draw acceleration diagram of four bar mechanism. 6 To draw displacement diagram, velocity diagram & acceleration diagram of cam follower.

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