Improving thermal and electric energy efficiency at cement plants

DOI: 10.1596/28304 Corpus ID: 116815204; Improving thermal and electric energy efficiency at cement plants : international best practice @inproceedings{Sharabaroff2017ImprovingTA, title={Improving thermal and electric energy efficiency at cement plants : international best practice}, author={Alexander M. …

The cement industry is the most energy intensive of all …

The industrial sector, which encompasses manufacturing, mining, agriculture, and construction, accounted for almost a third of total U.S. energy use in 2012.Energy-intensive manufacturing accounted for a little more than half of total industrial energy use. Although the cement industry used only one-quarter of one percent of total U.S. energy, …

DOE Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap | Department of Energy

Pursue recycling and material efficiency through alternative packaging and package waste reduction. Cement: In the U.S. cement industry, process-related CO 2 emissions from calcination account for about 58% of total CO 2 emissions and energy-related CO 2 emissions accounted for 42% of total emissions. Cement manufacturing requires high …

Industrial Insights: Cement Plants | ENERGY STAR

This 2-page factsheet presents an overview of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from cement plants in an easy-to-read format. The factsheet is part of the Industrial Insights series, which uses EPA data to provide information on energy use in industrial facilities. EPA's ENERGY STAR partnership has worked with the cement …

Development of a Performance-Based Industrial Energy …

ENERGY STAR® program, has been developing plant energy performance indicators (EPIs) to encourage a variety of U.S. industries to use energy more efficiently. This report describes work with the cement manufacturing industry to provide a plant-level indicator of energy efficiency for assembly plants that

EPA Announces Most Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Plants …

WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing that 86 U.S. manufacturing plants earned the agency's ENERGY STAR certification in 2022, a designation reserved for manufacturing plants in the top 25% of energy efficiency in their sector. Together, these plants saved over 105 trillion British …

Energy Consumption Benchmark Guide: Cement Clinker …

The energy use among the 15 plants depicted in Figure 4 varies from a low of 3.68 to a high of 6.87 gigajoules per tonne of clinker. The average energy use for the 15 plants is 4.69 GJ/t. But the average for the four most energy-efficient plants (upper quartile) is …

Saving Energy in Ready Mixed Concrete Production

assessments, (2) energy teams, (3) employee awareness, and (4) energy monitoring. 2.3 Plant Energy Assessments . Plant energy assessments determine where and how much energy is consumed,and identify steps to improve the facility's energy efficiency and save money. The assessment can f ocus on the whole site or specific systems and processes.

Laying the foundation for zero-carbon cement

Operational advances, such as energy-efficiency measures, have already largely been implemented, and the emissions-reduction potential from alternative fuels and clinker substitution is …

Energy Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for the …

Adding 5% limestone would reduce fuel consumption by 5% (or on average 0.35 GJ/t clinker), power consumption for grinding by 3.3 kWh/t cement, and CO2 emissions by almost 5%. Additional costs would be minimal, limited to material storage and distribution, while reducing kiln operation costs by 5%. Low-Alkali Cement.

Environmental impacts and decarbonization strategies in the cement …

Owing to the large increase in energy costs associated with the oil crisis of the 1970s, more than 85% of cement kilns now use energy-efficient dry methods, which do not require additional energy ...

Electricity use per tonne of cement in selected countries and …

n.e.c = not elsewhere counted. CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States. BAT = energy intensity covers the process up to the liquid steel stage, i.e. it does not include energy used in casting and rolling, or energy used by captive thermal utilities (which are included in reported energy intensity).

Titan America Trumpets Two ENERGY STAR® Cement Plants …

ENERGY STAR signifies that these cement plants perform in the top 25 percent nationwide for energy efficiency and meet strict energy efficiency performance levels set by the EPA.

Making cement industry energy efficient

Other than saving costs, they will have to be mindful about being energy efficient and using a robust and reliable solution to manage the operations in the cement plants. Professionals engaged in cement plants today want innovative solutions that will help improve plant utilization, optimize processes & reduce energy consumption. We …


The direct CO2 emissions intensity of cement production has been broadly flat over the last five years, and is estimated to have increased slightly (by 1%) in 2022. In contrast, …


Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Cement Production Process Flow Schematic …

America's Most Energy-Efficient Plants Part I: Cement and …

These slides are from the first of a three part webinar series on America's most energy-efficient manufacturing plants. During this webinar two of the nation's most energy-efficient plants, a glass plant and a cement plant, presented on what they did to improve the energy efficiency of their opeartions and earn ENERGY STAR plant …

Carbon Capture in the Cement Industry: Technologies, …

The cement industry is likely to play a role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat anthropogenic climate change. Many decarbonization pathways suggest that direct specific emission levels of around 350 – 410 kg CO 2 /t cement will be required. However, increasing clinker substitution, alternative fuel use, and thermal energy efficiency can …


product of cement) produced by 47 cement plants in Vietnam was 3,698MJ/ton. The thermal energy consumption for clinker production with the best available technology is less than 2,930MJ/ton. The release of CO2 from coal combustion and thermal inefficiencies have made the cement industry one of the most air polluting industries in Vietnam.

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for Cement

An ENERGY STAR Guide for Energy and Plant Managers}, author = {Galitsky, Christina and Worrell, Ernst and Galitsky, Christina}, abstractNote = {The cost of energy as part of the total production costs in the cement industry is significant, warranting attention for energy efficiency to improve the bottom line. Historically, energy intensity …

Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Opportunities for the Cement …

This report documents an analysis of the potential to improve the energy efficiency of NSP kiln cement plants in Shandong Province. Sixteen NSP kiln cement plants were surveyed regarding their cement production, energy consumption, and current adoption of 34 energy-efficient technologies and measures. Plant energy use was …

Global database of cement production assets and upstream …

As expected a majority of plants identified are located in China, accounting for 1,159 plants or 37.0% of total assets identified. The next ten countries account for 28.1% (883 assets) of the ...

Analysis of Carbon Capture Retrofits for Cement Plants

Abstract. The objective of this study is to provide an estimate of the cost to capture CO 2 in retrofit applications at cement plants. The cement plant configurations considered in this study include natural gas and solid fuel (coal and coke) cases, and both wet- and dry kiln-fed plant designs, however the base cement plants in this study were ...

Digitization and the future of the cement plant

The cement plant of the future achieves considerably lower operating costs and higher asset value through higher energy efficiency, yield, and throughput. More targeted and effective maintenance …

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving …

Table 8. Energy efficiency measures in dry process cement plants ..... 87 Table 9. Energy efficiency measures in wet process cement plants ..... 89 Figures Figure 1. U.S. clinker production by process, 1970 to 2010. ..... 4 Figure 2.

ENERGY STAR Focus on Energy Efficiency in Cement …

Use the cement EPI to assess how efficiently a plant uses energy, relative to similar cement plants in the United States. The 1 - 100 … See more

Cement – Analysis

Published September 2023. License CC BY 4.0. Share Cite. 6% of cumulative emissions reductions. Cement. Cutting emissions from cement production is difficult due to the …

Energy Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for the Cement …

This report documents an analysis of the potential to improve the energy efficiency of NSP kiln cement plants in Shandong Province.more » Plant energy use was compared to both domestic (Chinese) and international best practice using the Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for Cement (BEST-Cement).

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for Cement

In the cement industry, from 1970 to 1999, carbon dioxide intensity due to fuel consumption and raw material calcination dropped 16 percent. Despite the historic progress, there is considerable potential for energy efficiency improvement, when compared to other industrialized countries. This guide examines more than 40 energy efficient …

Energy efficiency for greenhouse gas emission reduction in …

Foreign technical assistance and more importantly, greater participation in China`s cement industry of foreign cement companies would speed the adoption of large scale very efficient precalciner plants. Paradoxically, improving energy efficiency in China`s cement industry is also a supply-side issue, improved reliability in China`s …

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