Canola Crush Plants In Canada

Mitsui buys into Louis Dreyfus Canada canola plant. TOKYO (Reuters) – Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co 8031.T> said on Friday it will buy a 40 percent stake of a $120 million canola crush plant in Canada that Louis ….

Louis Dreyfus Company Expands Canola Processing …

LDC has operated its canola processing complex in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada, since 2009, employing approximately 120 people today, in the production of food grade canola oil and feed meal. This industry-leading facility is strategically located in the country's most productive agricultural zone,

Canola suppliers and more | Canola Council of Canada

400-167 Lombard Ave. Winnipeg, R3B 0T6 admin@canolacouncil Phone: (204) 982-2100 Toll-free: (866) 834-4378

Potential Supplies of Fuel-Grade Canola Oil for Low-Carbon …

Our study investigates prospects for a fuel-grade canola oil supply chain that prioritizes the use of non-No. 1 Canola as a biofuel feedstock. Using low-grade canola oil to produce biofuels can reduce feedstock costs and offer the opportunity to utilize existing petroleum infrastructure to transport and store canola oil, thereby reducing capital costs …

They're crushing it: Canola plants seeing big-time …

Reading Time: 3 minutes. Published: November 14, 2022. Canola, News. Crush plants on the Prairies are going flat out these days, including the four in Alberta at Lloydminster (ADM), Fort …

Cargill to upgrade three Australian crushing plants …

CARGILL has today announced an investment of A$73 million to upgrade and expand its Newcastle, Narrabri and Footscray oilseed-crushing facilities, with all work to be completed by May 2024. In …

Crusher planned for Montana will handle organic canola

However, the price of organic canola is typically 150 to 160 percent higher than conventional canola. So, organic canola would likely be priced at $22 to $26 per bushel.

Pacific Coast Canola's New Seed Processing Plant

It is not only the first canola processing plant of the company, but also its first facility in the US and is the first commercial-scale canola crusher west of the Rocky Mountains. It is also the nearest commercial-scale oilseed crusher to the Port of Vancouver, which ships large quantities of canola oil to the growing Asian markets.

The Oilseed Processing Industry | Canola Council of Canada

Global demand for canola oil and meal continues to grow, spurring investments in new processing capacity here in Canada. Since 2021, five major announcements will add 6.7 MMT of processing capacity by 2025 – representing a 60% increase from our current capacity of 11.1 MMT. These capital investments are estimated at more than $2 billion ...

Cargill plans major canola crusher at Camrose

Cargill brass were at Camrose last Monday to launch work on an 850,000-tonne-per-year crush plant just south of the community, about 80 km southeast of Edmonton. "The facility will have the capacity to process both conventional and specialty canola seed, which will enable us to significantly increase our contracting programs in …

Canola crushing wave hits Sask. | The Western Producer

Viterra was the latest company to issue a news release saying it intends to build the world's largest canola crush facility in Regina, capable of processing 2.5 million tonnes of seed annually.

Viterra plans major canola crusher for Regina

The Viterra plant's targeted crush capacity, initially, would be 2.5 million tonnes of canola per year. That figure would put it ahead of Winnipeg rival Richardson International's plans for its existing canola …

Crusher planned for Montana will handle …

The company has stocks of canola and flax from the 2018 and 2019 crop years, but next month it will start contacting farmers about 2020 production, Hager said. Hager didn't share the price offered to …

American canola crusher setting up delivery facility in …

Photo: Lisa Guenther. An American crushing firm is making it easier for southern Manitoba farmers to deliver canola to it. Northstar Agri Industries of Hallock, Minnesota, is building a new 1,500-tonne high-throughput facility at Winkler to receive, store and transload canola. The operation, due to open this fall, will employ two or three people.


The company began in 1991 when Bob and Pete Mac Smith started a small canola seed crushing operation on their family farm near Orange in Western NSW. The business grew steadily and in 2005, the brothers …

Canada rushes to crush more canola despite crop crunch

Federated Co-operative Limited (FCL) and partner AGT Food and Ingredients said on Monday they would build a Saskatchewan plant to crush 1.1 million tonnes of canola …

Renewable diesel plant, canola crusher planned for Sask.

The crush plant will be 51 percent owned by FCL and 49 percent owned by AGT. It will be capable of processing 1.1 million tonnes of canola seed and producing 450,000 tonnes of oil annually. It ...

Canola crushing it | World Grain

Global canola/rapeseed production for 2023-24 is projected at 87.4 million tonnes, a slight decrease from 2022-23, but only the second time that output has been …

Co-op, AGT plan to crush canola at Regina

The j.v. crush plant facility is expected to use about 1.1 million tonnes of canola seed to produce 450,000 tonnes of oil, the Saskatchewan government said in a separate release. The balance of the feedstock would …

Yet another canola crusher planned for Saskatchewan

It will have capacity to crush 1.1 million metric tonnes of canola annually, and refine 500,000 metric tonnes into oil for food and fuel. Ceres estimates it will create more than 50 full-time jobs ...

MSM Milling

Freecall. 1300 CANOLA. Get in Touch. MSM Milling History. The company began in 1991 when Bob and Pete Mac Smith started a small canola seed crushing operation on their family farm near Orange in Western NSW. The MSM Advantage. Australian grown, pressed and packaged. Expeller Pressed without the use of solvents.

Crushing investments point to confidence in canola

Significant new investments are afoot to increase the crush capacity, as the majority of Australia's canola production is currently exported as seed. A key reason for …

They're crushing it: Canola plants seeing big-time …

Crush plants are riding a wave of demand and processed about 794,000 tonnes of seed in September, the most in a year. And with crush margins well above $200 per tonne for futures contracts (more …

Louis Dreyfus to expand Canada canola plant, latest to crush …

Global crop trader Louis Dreyfus Corp (LOUDR.UL) on Tuesday said it will more than double the size of its Canadian canola crushing plant in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, the latest North American oilseed ...

At a Glance | COPA

There are 14 crush facilities owned by 6 companies; the 11 plants in the west crush canola and the 3 in the east crush canola and soybeans ... Over the same 10-year period, exports of canola oil increased 16% (from 2.7 million tonnes worth $3.3 billion to 3.2 million tonnes worth $5.3 billion) and canola meal exports increased 49% (from 3.4 ...

Viterra plans major canola crusher for Regina

Viterra's announcement comes just days after the Canadian arm of agrifood firm Cargill announced plans for its own smaller canola crush plant at a not-yet-decided location in the Regina area, for completion in early 2024. Cargill on Thursday also pledged upgrades for its own existing crush plants at Camrose, Alta. and Clavet, Sask.

U.S. demand for canola oil rising, with construction …

Play Video. February 22, 2024 by Kelvin Heppner. The race is on among canola processing companies to supply growing demand in the U.S. for canola oil as a feedstock for lower …


In 2020, Saskatchewan accounted for 55% of the total production of canola in Canada. Saskatchewan farmers seeded approximately 4.5 million hectares (11.3 million acres) of canola. The average yield was 2.68 tonnes per hectare (39.8 bushels per acre). Canola is the largest crop by hectare (or acre) grown in Saskatchewan.

Louis Dreyfus to expand Sask. canola crush

Global demand for vegetable oil from canola continues to grow, making the expansion necessary, said Brian Conn, vice-president of oilseeds for the company in Canada. ... U.S. agrifood firm Cargill is also building a new canola crusher, near Camrose, Alta. ... the two companies said their combined investment in the plant would be over …

Expanded crush plant will gobble up another million tonnes of canola …

Richardson has been aggressively dialling up its Prairie crush in the past decade, including a $30-million expansion at York­ton in 2014. More recently, in 2017, it brought a $120-million expansion online at its Lethbridge canola-processing and oil-packaging plant, bringing that facility's annual crush to over 700,000 tonnes per year.

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