aqua regia mistake | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Jul 30, 2010. #1. OK this is my story I made aqua regia using the sodium nitrate/meuratic acid method and proceeded to dissolve about a pound of gold plated pins fingers and chips while capturing the fumes in several 1 gallon glass jars and reacting that with water to reclaim the valuable nitric acid. After the metal was dissolved I filtered ...

Gold & Platinum Refining by the Acid Method | Shor …

A superior, dry, non-hazardous substitute for nitric acid when making aqua regia. This very dense chemical mixture dissolves instantly, making it far more economical to use than sodium nitrate. MX3 possesses all of the advantages that sodium nitrate has Learn more › …

neutralize nitric acid in Aqua Regia | Gold Refining & Metal …

Clean off the copper and dry put in plastic bag to cement with next time. The white salts wash in boiling water this will remove NaCl, lead chloride if decanted hot (let white fluffy powder settle before decanting), some excess water-soluble salts like urea or SMB, and other base metal chlorides.

Gold Smelting & Refining Process

The Aqua Regia Process is appropriate to be employed in small scale and the metallic gold to be obtained is as pure as 99.9%. The main steps of the process are to dissolve the precious metals and some …

How it is possible to make Aqua Regia in the lab?

1. There are also multiple guides to handling aqua regia safely. Notably, use only glass containers, funnels, etc. and add the nitric acid slowly to the HCl in the hood. The acids will become very hot. Neutralize with weak base (e.g., sodium bicarbonate) slowly. – Geoff Hutchison.

Making Poorman Aqua Regia and Dissolving Metals in It.

Making Poorman Aqua Regia and Dissolving Metals in It.: Hello. With Hydrochloric acid 10 Moles per L or 31 percent with any Nitrate salt (Magnesium Nitrate, Calcium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrate, etc- expect ammonia nitrate due to the ammonia base) you can make weak Aqua Regas. It is an alternative to using S…

The Ultimate Aqua Regia Refiner's Guide | Shor International

While this guide is focused on gold refining, aqua regia will also work for platinum, and includes tips for refining types of platinum. Whether you're refining gold using nitric …

How To Use Aqua Regia To Purify Gold

Place your gold or finely powdered ore in a Pyrex container breaker. Mix 1 part nitric acid to 3 parts hydrochloric acid in a separate glass or plastic container. When mixing the acids together, use great caution! Add the acid mixture, very slowly, to the Pyrex container or beaker containing the ore. On stove or hot plate, simmer until the gold ...

Salt aqua regia as a green solvent for recovering …

Here, we report an alternative route to recover precious metals from spent catalysts using purely inorganic salt solutions consisting of Al (NO 3) 3 ·9H 2 O and NaCl, which we name "salt aqua regia." The …

Sodium Nitrate | NaNO3 | CID 24268

Sodium nitrate - PRES, REG, < 500 ppm - Alone or w/ sodium nitrite as a preservative and color fixative in smoked, cured salmon, shad, & sablefish, or in meat-curing preparations for home curing of meat & meat prods (including poultry & wild game) - 172.170; BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive -173.310; PS (by USDA) - As a source of …

Sodium Nitrate Structure – Preparation and Properties

Gold refiners make use of sodium nitrate to form hybrid aqua regia which helps in dissolving metals like gold. This chemical compound is used to enable respiration in facultative microorganisms in wastewater industry. A microorganism genus Nitrosomonas intake nitrate instead of oxygen and multiplies to treat wastewater.

sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid to separate gold & silver

In the end you will have decently pure, (99.7% or so), and separate gold and silver to re-alloy to 18k for your use. All without any need to make or buy nitric acid. If you need the gold more pure than that you can simply re-dissolve it and drop it again. With good attention to washing you can get to .9997.


In essence, how many grams of potassium nitrate is required vs sodium nitrate to make 1 liter of aqua regia? Thank you in advance! << You need to use a slightly different amount. The equivalent amount of potassium nitrate is 269.772g.

MX3, A Replacement for Nitric Acid in Aqua Regia | Gold …

What the Ishor website actually claims is: That MX3 has all the same advantages (as sodium nitrate) OVER NITRIC ACID. Such as MX3 also being more …

MX-3 Concentrate | Shor International

MX3 possesses all of the advantages that sodium nitrate has . A superior, dry, non-hazardous substitute for nitric acid when making aqua regia. This very dense chemical mixture dissolves instantly, making it far more economical to use than sodium nitrate. ... Shor AR3G Aqua Regia Gold & Platinum Refining System From $799.95. Scrubber for …

poor mans aqua regia

The other day, I dissolved .22 oz of low carat Gold in poor man's AR a couple of 24/40 erlenmyer flasks connected with silicone tubing. One was the digestor, the other had a frit bubbler in a solution of Sodium Carbonate and Hydrogen Peroxide as a NOx scrubber. It converted the NOx to Sodium Nitrate. Most of the NOx reacted at the frit.

Large Scale Gold Refining By the Aqua Regia Acid Method

The hood used in this work has a main area 2-1/2 feet deep x 5 feet long with a 2-1/2 feet deep x 1-1/2 feet 'L' section at one end for aqua-regia I mixing and storage. The normally active working area is 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 feet and is used largely for aqua-regia - gold digestion.

Sodium nitrate and muriatic acid

chemistry. aqua regia is a mix of HCl, or hydrochloric acid. (muriatic acid is very dilute HCl), and HNO3, ornitric acid. Sulphuric acid plays not part in the recipe for …

Aqua Regia: Dissolving Your Gold | Shor International

If you're using sodium nitrate: For every ounce of metal that you are refining, add 120 milliliters of muriatic acid and 1 ounce (or 2 tablespoons) of sodium nitrate. ... Once the procedure's time has passed, check the boards to make sure all the gold has been removed and dissolved into the aqua regia acid. Let any boards with gold still on ...

Silver reaction With Potassium Nitrate. | Gold Refining

Nov 23, 2012. #2. Potassium nitrate KNO3 or sodium nitrate NaNO3 when mixed with sulfuric acid H2SO4 will form nitric acid and potassium or sodium sulfate. 2 KNO3 + H2SO4 --> 2HNO3 + K2SO4. Silver would form silver sulfate, only very slightly soluble (mostly silver sulfate salt in bottom of beaker). The silver sulfate is much trouble …

Aqua Regia vs HCl and Bleach

Location. Pacific NW. Mar 7, 2019. #2. Wizzlebiz, Bleach is a basic solution of chlorine gas in water, NaOH sodium hydroxide (a base) is used to keep the chlorine in the solution. When mixing bleach sodium hypochlorite NaClO with hydrochloric acid HCl we have a couple of reactions, A portion of the acidic HCl and the basic NaOH neutralize …


3. Introduced into concentrated nitric acid, urea produced a white precipitate of urea nitrate CO(NH)X2⋅HNOX3 C O ( N H) X 2 ⋅ H N O X 3, which can be filtrated and dried. But it must be kept dry. It is decomposed by water into urea and nitric acid in the presence of small amount of water. This compound is known to be a dangerous …

Solubility of Gold

Gold is readily soluble in aqua regia, or in any other mixture producing nascent chlorine, among such mixtures being solutions of: nitrates, chlorides, and sulphates — e.g., bisulphate of soda, nitrate of soda, and common salt; chlorides and some sulphates—e.g., ferric sulphate; hydrochloric acid and potassium chlorate; bleaching …

Buy Sodium Nitrate 98% online | Melbourne, Victoria

Hobbyist gold refiners use sodium nitrate to make a hybrid aqua regia that dissolves gold and other metals. Sodium nitrate is used together with potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate for heat storage and, more recently, for heat transfer in solar power plants. It is also used in the wastewater industry for facultative microorganism respiration. ...

Recovery of nitric acid and gold from gold-bearing aqua regia …

The origin of gold precipitation selectivity relative to common metal ions upon addition of tetrabutylammonium nitrate ... been noticed. Tributyl phosphate was used by Bae et al. [262] to co-extraction gold ion and HNO3 from gold-bearing aqua regia solution, and then sodium thiosulfate and ammonium hydroxide were successfully …

Sodium Nitrate, 1 lb Bag [1sn] | DudaDiesel Biodiesel Supplies

Sodium nitrate is used as an ingredient in fertilizers, explosives, and in solid rocket propellants, as well as in glass and pottery enamels; the compound has been mined extensively for those purposes. Sodium nitrate is commonly used in gold refining for making aqua regia which is used for recovery of gold, platinum and other precious metals.

Aqua Regia neutralization with Sodium Hydroxide | Gold …

1) I get concentrates from the sluice (from 1 ton of ore) which i clean up and then sock them in dilute nitric acid (1HNO3:3H2O) for 24 hours. Then i rise the solution. 2) after the pretreatment I prepare a solution of AR (2H20:3HCL:1HNO3) which is use to leach the pretreated ore at room temperature for 24hrs.

Dropping Gold using Stump Out (sodium metabisulfite)

Here is a short video I produced to demonstrate the technique I use to drop gold using Stump Out purchased from Home Depot (about $6 per pound). I have gottten good results so far using this process. Please give comments or suggestions if you see anything improper. If dropping gold using this method will hinder the recovery of other …

inorganic chemistry

According to Professor Poliakov and a question on Chemistry Stackexchange here, gold dissolves in aqua regia because the nitrate ion oxidizes the gold into $ce{Au^3+}$, and the chloride bonds to the gold to form tetrachloroaurate III ions ($ce{AuCl4−}$).This means that the actual acidity of the compound plays no role in the …

Sodium Nitrate Properties – Structure and Preparation

Besides, some gold refiners utilise this component to produce aqua regia which can dissolve gold and several materials. Sodium Nitrate Preparation . The industrial synthesis action of NaNO 3 takes place through neutralisation of nitric acid along with sodium carbonate or bicarbonate. 2 HNO 3 + Na 2 CO 3 → 2 NaNO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2

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