Comparing Thickener Types for Tailings Management

High-Density Thickeners are similar to High-Rate Thickener but include additional features to increase underflow density and liquid recovery. These features include higher side walls and a steeper floor slope to enhance the compression effects on the mud bed. They can also feature vertical pickets on the rake mechanism to create channels in …

High rate thickener HRT-S

High rate thickener. HRT-S. HRT-S is a pre-engineered high-rate thickening solution widely used for Application dewatering of slurries. Partner for positive change. HRT-S delivers: • Streamlined selling processes • Simplified workflows • Standardized engineering scope • Set transport volumes. HRT-S.

Thickeners and Clarifiers | TAKRAF

We are able to provide paste thickeners up to 34 m in diameter with drives in excess of 10 mNm of torque. High Density. For applications requiring high water recovery, but without the process and pumping issues associated with paste thickeners, our high density thickeners from 1 m to 99 m in diameter can be supplied. High Throughput.

Sizing a high rate thickener

To participate in the 911Metallurgist Forums, be sure to JOIN & LOGIN; Use Add New Topic to ask a New Question/Discussion about Thickening, Filtering or Tailings and Water.; OR Select a Topic that Interests you.; Use Add Reply = to Reply/Participate in a Topic/Discussion (most frequent). Using Add Reply allows you to Attach Images or PDF …

McLanahan | Thickeners

High-Rate Thickeners are used by the aggregate and mining industries, as well as environmental contractors, to recover approximately 85% of water for reuse. This high-level of water recovery keeps water consumption at sustainable levels, as well as drastically reduces the slurry volume reporting to waste ponds. They use minimal amounts of ...

High Rate Thickeners

There are two basic types of high rate thickener units: Lamina or tube settlers and solids recirculation units Lamina Thickeners They contain space-cutting baffles that intercept settling paths at many levels. Solids settle out onto the baffles and are removed from suspension after settling only a short distance. Where and to the extent …

High Rate Thickeners

HRT-S is a robust pre-engineered high rate thickening solution that is delivered efficiently, is easy to operate and service. Modular and ready to sell with a defined set of features and selected options to choose from. Pre-engineered designs. Consistently enables accelerated project deliveries. Pre-determined transport volumes and packing plans.

High rate thickener HR-THK

  1. No complicated rotating parts
  2. Minimum of moving components
  3. Low maintenance
  4. Low cost
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  • Andritzhttps://

    ANDRITZ thickening and clarification systems

    WEB20m in diameter coal high rate thickener 35m in diameter Pb/Zn tailings - High rate bolted thickener ANDRITZ thickening and clarification solutions are designed to achieve the …

  • HiFlo™ High-Rate Thickener

    DESCRIPTION. The high-rate thickeners are used in many types of process circuits to separate liquids and solids at very high rates. They are highly effective in coal refuse thickening, gold recovery, CCD circuits, …

    Thickeners and clarifiers Complete range of reliable and …

    4 FLS — Thickeners and Clarifiers High-rate thickeners High-rate thickeners are designed to provide roughly 12 times the throughput of conventional machines of similar size. The key features for high-capacity thickeners are the feedwell design and the …

    Comprehensive Guide to Mining Thickeners | Mining Pedia

    High-rate thickeners employ a feed well and a unique feed dilution system, which improves the efficiency of solids settling. These thickeners are ideal for applications where a high underflow density is desired or where space is limited. 3. Paste Thickeners. Paste thickeners are specifically designed to handle high-density, non-settling ...

    McLanahan | High-Rate Thickeners

    3:33. High-Rate Thickeners separate liquids from solids using hindered settling. Rotating rake arms collect settled sludge and move it toward the center discharge cone. They use minimal amounts of polymers/chemicals to drop the solids, making High-Rate Thickeners environmentally friendly. Thickeners are operated and controlled by a touch-screen ...

    McLanahan | Thickeners

    Types of Thickeners. McLanahan offers a range of thickener types, including High-Rate, Ultra Rakeless, High-Density and Paste, that are tailored to an individual application. …

    High Rate Thickeners Manufacturers & Suppliers in India

    White Industrial Mild Steel High Rate Thickener, Grade Standard: Technical Grade. Ask Price. Oretech Engineering Services Private Limited. Contact Supplier. High Rate Thickeners, Automation Grade: Semi-Automatic. Ask Price. Swagath Urethane Private Limited. Contact Supplier. Industrial Thickeners.

    High-rate Thickener | FL

    High-rate Thickeners are designed to provide roughly 12 times the throughput of conventional machines of similar size. The key features for high-capacity thickeners …

    High rate thickener HR-THK

    Thickeners are utilized in various solid/liquid separation processes in order to increase the density of a process stream. Feed solids concentration is the single most important variable affecting the sedimentation properties of given slurry. High-rate thickener. ANDRITZ process engineering will determine the optimum percentage of feed solids ...

    How to Size a High-Rate Thickener

    To participate in the 911Metallurgist Forums, be sure to JOIN & LOGIN; Use Add New Topic to ask a New Question/Discussion about Thickening, Filtering or Tailings and Water.; OR Select a Topic that Interests you.; Use Add Reply = to Reply/Participate in a Topic/Discussion (most frequent). Using Add Reply allows you to Attach Images or PDF …

    Thickeners and Clarifiers

    High compression thickeners Achieve a higher density underflow with our High Compression Thickener. The HCT has been designed to suit customer needs with a deeper solids bed and higher rake torque than our High Rate Thickener or conventional thickeners. Consistent and high-density underflow Maintains a constant solids inventory …

    High-rate Thickener manufacturers & suppliers

    High-rate Thickener 5,905 products found from 118 High-rate Thickener manufacturers & suppliers. Product List ; Supplier List; View: List View

    Mining Thickener Manufacturers | Mining Thickener Suppliers …

    Tradewheel is providing the best business opportunities in high-quality Mining Thickener from all around the globe at the lowest rates. We give you 24/7 help from our expert's team to reach out of the market and set a new benchmark. We deal with only the authentic buyers from the market, and they come up with their most excellent deals.

    High Rate Thickeners

    Description. The High-Rate thickeners became popular in the mid 1980's and are relatively newcomers to the sedimentation line of equipment. As already discussed previously Thickeners are a major component in a …

    Constrained model predictive control of an industrial high-rate thickener

    High-rate thickeners operate under strict constraints and several disturbances. To control this process, a constrained m odel p redictive c ontrol (MPC) is developed in this paper. For process identification, a historical data-driven methodology is used and a v ector a uto r egressive with e x ogenous variables (VARX) model structure …

    AltaFlo High Rate Thickeners

    AltaFlo High-Rate Thickener Overview. The AltaFlo™ ultra high-rate thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. The principles of flocculation have been further adapted to a new design that will thicken ...

    Sludge treatment thickener

    drum thickener ThickTech™. for sludge treatment for wastewater treatment plants. The ThickTech™ Rotary Drum Thickener (RDT) is the industry leading sludge thickener. Its performance is unmatched, with sludge volume reduction of 90% and a 98% capture ...

    Deep Cone® Thickeners | FL

    High-rate Thickener. Back. Thickener Spiral Rake Blade. Back. ... and keeping underflow slurry uniform is a key focus if you want to enhance productivity and keep efficiency high. The Deep Cone Thickener uses cutting edge technology to ensure your operation runs at peak performance. The thickener is ruggedly dependable and intuitively designed ...

    HiFlo™ High-Rate Thickener

    The high-rate thickeners are used in many types of process circuits to separate liquids and solids at very high rates. They are highly effective in coal refuse thickening, gold recovery, CCD circuits, copper leaching, molybdenum processing and other mining and chemical flowsheets. Separation is effected rapidly because of the system hydraulics ...

    Outotec launches thickening and clarifying …

    Key benefits. High-performance, robust solutions to meet a wide range of applications. Industry-leading innovation in thickening and clarification equipment. Exceptional experience in meeting and …

    Beginners guide to thickeners

    In high rate thickener (HRT) designs the rise rate or solids loading will dictate the required tank diameter for any given throughput. In high compression (HCT) and paste (PT) applications the bed depth or the mass of solids in the thickener must also be selected to ensure the desired underflow density from the thickener is achieved.

    Paste Thickener Design to Achieve Downstream Requirements

    Distance from plant to disposal site of several kilometers. Centrifugal pumps preferred. Paste thickener location 2-3 km from the downhill disposal site. These general issues were identified and investigated by the paste team composed of the thickener designer, pipeline design, and geotechnical consultants.

    Constrained model predictive control of an industrial high-rate thickener

    Abstract. High-rate thickeners are used in the mining industry to improve water recovery from slurries and increase their solids ratio. High-rate thickeners operate under strict constraints and several disturbances. To control this process, a constrained m odel p redictive c ontrol (MPC) is developed in this paper.

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