Indonesian Mining Association

Indonesian Mining Association operates as a non-profit organization. The association serves as a link between the government and the mining industry, organizing lectures, seminars, and training activities for the members, organizing periodic conferences and mining information, and representing at national and international meetings.


APBI – ICMA (Indonesia Coal Mining Association) https// For more information, please contact Commercial Specialist Trianie Ananda at …

Publikasi Buku

Buku ini merupakan edisi pertama dari Indonesia Mining Profile. Asosiasi Pertambangan Indonesia (API) dan Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) mengharapkan buku ini dapat menyediakan informasi akurat terhadap data dari perusahaan pertambangan, khususnya anggota API – IMA. Data yang disediakan lebih terfokus pada aspek Corporate Social ...

Visi dan Misi

Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) yang dibentuk pada 29 Mei 1975 merupakan organisasi non pemerintah, non politik dan non profit, berdiri sejalan dengan landasan hukum Republik Indonesia. Gedung Gajah, lantai 5, unit A2, Jl Dr Saharjo No. 111, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan 12810

Indonesian Coal Mining Association

Founded on 20th September 1989 as to response to the challenges of coal mining industry in Indonesia. The APBI-ICMA is a non-government, nonprofit and non-political organization that embraces both upstream (exploration and exploitation) and downstream (marketing the distribution, utilization and mining services) aspects of coal industry in Indonesia.


The Indonesia Nickel Miners Association (APNI) was formed by the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and a team of formator committee was inaugurated by Director of Mineral Development, Mr. Bambang Susigit, on March 6th, 2017 at Building C of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal office at Jln.

About Mining Indonesia – Mining Indonesia 2024

Mining Indonesia is Asia's largest international mining equipment exhibition and provides a professional platform for Indonesia's mining industry to do business. Now in its 22 nd edition Mining Indonesia is well known and respected amongst industry professionals. The show attracts industry leaders and key players in the global mining ...

Indonesian mining regulations: notable changes and …

The Indonesian government has introduced major regulatory developments in the mining sector, which demonstrate its eagerness to improve investment in the mining sector and to protect national interests. This is apparent from the government's efforts to simplify licensing procedures, provide fiscal incentives and determine mandatory but …

Coal Mining in Indonesia

Sources: Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) & Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. During the 2000s commodities boom the coal mining industry was very lucrative as coal prices were comfortably high. Hence, many Indonesian companies and wealthy families decided to acquire coal mining concessions on Sumatra or Kalimantan …

Sekilas Organisasi

Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) yang dibentuk pada 29 Mei 1975 merupakan organisasi non pemerintah, non politik dan non profit, berdiri sejalan dengan landasan …

Badan Pengurus

Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) yang dibentuk pada 29 Mei 1975 merupakan organisasi non pemerintah, non politik dan non profit, berdiri sejalan dengan landasan hukum Republik Indonesia. Gedung Gajah, lantai 5, unit A2, Jl Dr Saharjo No. 111, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan 12810

Mining in Indonesia

Indonesia continues to be a significant player in the global mining industry, with significant levels of production of coal, copper, gold, tin and nickel. In particular, Indonesia remains among the world's largest exporters of thermal coal. Global mining companies consistently rank Indonesia highly in terms of coal and

Indonesian coal association | The Coal Hub

Indonesia Coal Mining Association. by Editor. 3 years ago. Reading Time: 1 min read. Founded in 20th September 1989 as to response to the challenges of coal mining industry in Idonesia.


Indonesia is a global player in mining. Some estimates indicate the Southeast Asian country supplies over one-fourth of the world's mineral supply. There is significant production in coal, copper, gold, tin, bauxite and nickel. The archipelago nation possesses the world's largest nickel reserves. Indonesia has ranked among the world's ...

Ini Penyebab Lambatnya Penyerahan Dokumen RKAB …

Bisnis, JAKARTA - Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) Djoko Widajatno menjelaskan sejumlah persoalan dalam persetujuan rencana kegiatan dan anggaran biaya (RKAB) 2022 terkait dengan usaha pertambangan.. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral melarang sementara kegiatan usaha …

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Applying Association Rule Mining …

In Indonesia, this is the first study to investigate 2503 instances of unsafe behavior that occurred across Indonesian construction projects in relation to their attributes to obtain insightful knowledge by using the association rule mining (ARM) method. Association rule mining was used to explore the database.

Indonesian Mining Association (IMA)

Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) Info Advokasi Kadin. Business Economic Policy Projections 2024-2029. Friday, 15 March 2024. ... Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 No.Kav. 2-3, RT.1/RW.2, Kuningan, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus …

Indonesian Coal Mining Association

The Indonesian Coal Mining Association is an organisation representing 47 coal mining companies. On its website it states that it aims to be a "communication and a consultation forum among its members not only with the Government but also to work together with other associations, companies or any related parties domestically and from …

Indonesia Miner : Indonesia Mining Association (IMA): There …

The Daily Executive Director of the Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) Executive, Djoko Widajatno, assessed that there was confusion in the revocation of the IUP by the …

Indonesia Miner : 2023 Coal Production Possibly Reach 700 …

Executive Director of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) Hendra Sinadia revealed, with production trends throughout the first semester of 2023, …


The APBI-ICMA is a non-government, nonprofit and non-political organization that embraces both upstream (exploration and exploitation) and downstream (marketing the …

EMD‏‏‎ ‎Indonesia

EMD Indonesia is a non-profit association of domestic and foreign-owned exploration and mining companies active in Indonesia.. Its main objective is to advance the exploration and mining industry throughout Indonesia and to bring together new companies to companies and industry players who have been active for a long time.

Rachmat Makkasau Presdir Amman Mineral …

Asosiasi Pertambangan Indonesia/Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) dalam rapat kerja dengan anggotanya menunjuk secara resmi Rachmat Makkasau sebagai Ketua Umum untuk periode …

Indonesian Mining Association IMA Gelar Acara Mining for …

Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) Gelar Acara "Mining for Life". SEKTOR pertambangan di Indonesia memberikan banyak sekali manfaat, baik untuk kepentingan negara ataupun masyarakat. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Keuangan, realisasi Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) atas sektor mineral dan batu bara …


Coal mining company or its related supporting business (mining contractor, survey/laboratory services). Benefits of Membership: APBI-ICMA provides valuable …

To mine EV minerals, industry turns to dangerous refinery …

At least 10 other projects using this same technology are already under development, according to the Indonesian Nickel Mining Association. A facility in a nickel-mining complex in the village of ...

Berita Pertambangan

Indonesia Mining Association (021) 8303632 Jam Kerja; 09.00 WIB - 17.00 WIB Senin - Jumat; Jakarta Selatan DKI Jakarta, Indonesia; ... berdiri sejalan dengan landasan hukum Republik Indonesia. Gedung Gajah, lantai 5, unit A2, Jl Dr Saharjo No. 111, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan 12810 (021) 8303632; info@ima-api; Link Terkait.


Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) yang dibentuk pada 29 Mei 1975 merupakan organisasi non pemerintah, non politik dan non profit, berdiri sejalan dengan landasan …


Asosiasi Penambang Nikel Indonesia (APNI) dibentuk oleh Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM dan dilantik kepengurusan FORMATUR oleh Direktur Pembinaan Mineral Bapak …

Indonesia Miner : News

In 2022, MHU penetrated the Chinese market and became one of the top three coal exporters through the cooperation of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) and the China Coal Transportation and Distribution Association (CCTDA) facilitated by the government."The MoU signing is a clear proof of MHU's trust and credibility in the ...

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