Driving Surface Aggregate

Allow drying time before rolling. Do not use the vibratory rolling mode if that action brings water to the surface of the aggregate. 1a. SUPPORTED EDGE: If edge of placed aggregate is supported by an existing bank or berm: First pass: Roll slowly in static mode on the outside edge of placed aggregate. 1b.

Suggested Compaction Standards for Crushed …

regardless of the maximum aggregate size specified in this method. U, for example, the minus No. 4 fraction of a given material is found to have a maximum laboratory density of 135 pcf and the plus No. 4 fraction a bulk specific gravity of 2.64, a plot of the theoretical maximum density "D" of the entire sample for various percentages of

Density of Cement Sand and Aggregate

A cement is a binder, a substance used in construction that hardens, hardens and adheres to other materials to join them together.Cement is rarely used on its own, but to bond sand and gravel. The cement mixed with fine aggregate produces mortar for masonry, or with sand and gravel, produces concrete.. First, density is the ratio of mass to volume. So it …

Construction Aggregates

Construction Aggregate Calculator. Enter the width, length, thickness, and product density and hit the "Calculate" button to calculate your estimate. If you do not know the product …

Measuring Density in Aggregate and Why it Matters

The density of aggregate refers to the measure of mass per unit volume of granular material such as crushed stone, sand, or gravel. Density is a crucial …

Aggregates for Concrete

6.2—Definition of lightweight-aggregate concrete 6.3—Low-density concretes and associated aggregates 6.3.1—Structural lightweight concrete and associated ... gravel, crushed stone, blast-furnace slag, and lightweight aggregates that usually occupies approxi-mately 60 to 75% of the volume of concrete. Aggregate

Density of Gravel, Regular in 285 units of density

Gravel, Regular weighs 1.35 gram per cubic centimeter or 1 346 kilogram per cubic meter, i.e. density of gravel, Regular is equal to 1 346 kg/m³.In Imperial or US customary measurement system, the density is equal to 84.03 pound per cubic foot [lb/ft³], or 0.78 ounce per cubic inch [oz/inch³] .; Gravel, Regular weighs 1 346 kg/m³ (84.02803 lb/ft³) …

Gravel Calculator | How much gravel do you need?

Step one is establishing the volume of gravel needed. It is equal to the volume of an excavation, and you can do it in the following way: Determine the length and width of a cuboidal excavation. In our example, the excavation length is l = 6 yd, and the width is b = 3 yd.. Calculate the area of the excavation, multiplying the length and width …

Section 902 AGGREGATES

Crushed Concrete Aggregate. Crushed portland cement concrete. Salvaged Aggregate. Dense-graded aggregate saved or manufactured from Department project sources that may consist of natural aggregate, blast furnace slag, crushed concrete, or reclaimed asphalt pavement with particle sizes no greater than 2 inches and no visible organic or …

Densities of common Products

Density Converter Online density converter with commonly used units. Density vs. Specific Weight and Specific Gravity An introduction to density, specific weight and specific gravity. Food Products - Bulk Densities Bulk densities of some common food products like grain, corn, barley, sugar and more. Gases - Densities

Aggregates for Concrete

6.2—Definition of lightweight-aggregate concrete 6.3—Low-density concretes and associated aggregates 6.3.1—Structural lightweight concrete and associated ... gravel, …

Driving Surface Aggregate

Developed by Penn State's Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies, DSA is a mixture of crushed stone developed specifically as a surface wearing course for unpaved roads. …

Granular A Gravel | 3/4 Minus Gravel | ASTM D2940

Granular A, A Gravel, or 3/4 inch minus is a mixture of sand and crushed gravel or rock. With mechanical compaction and reaching 98% standard Proctor Density, this material provides adequate stability and load support for paver bases. Through this compaction and with the loads that the base will bear, the coarse aggregate should not degrade.


Type A – Crushed stone, higher-quality base. Type B – Crushed or uncrushed gravel, areas with gravel as a local material. Type C – Crushed gravel, +60% with 2 or more crushed faces. Type D - Allows use of Type A or crushed concrete (where economically feasible). Type E – Caliche, iron ore, or for new materials as shown on plans.

Gravel Calculator

The following calculator helps estimate the amount of gravel needed to cover an area based on the density and desired depth of the gravel. It also estimates the cost of purchasing a given amount of gravel. Gravel is a loose mixture of rock fragments formed as a result of erosion. Gravel, along with other types of rock fragments such as sand and ...


When payment is by weight, refer to weighing material and mixtures in subsection 109.01B2 and Section 302.03 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. Aggregate will be weighed to the nearest 100 pounds (50 kg). Pay weights will be the scale weight of the aggregate unless the moisture content is more than 6 percent.

Crushed Stone Calculator

Here's how you can use the crushed stone calculator: Select your surface shape, e.g., Rectangular.. In surface length, enter the length of your surface, e.g., 12 feet.. In surface width, enter the width of your surface, e.g., 8 feet.. Now, enter in depth, how deep do you want to fill the layout of your surface, e.g., 3 inches.. The waste factor tells how …

Density of Cement, Sand and Aggregate, Bulk Density of Aggregate

Essential Points. Most of the aggregates possess a relative density within 2.4 – 2.9 with a similar particle density of about 2400-2900 Kg/m 3 (150-181 lb/ft 3).; Hereabouts, for coarse aggregates, the standard test process has been described in ASTM C 127(AASHTO), and for fine aggregates, the standard test practice has been described in ASTM C 128 …

301 Base, Subbase, and Subgrade Aggregate

Effective with the November 2023 Letting 120 2024 Standard Specifications [3] Required as specified for the individual component materials defined in columns 2 - 6 of the table before blending. [4] For base placed between old and new pavements, use crushed stone, crushed gravel, or crushed concrete with a plasticity index of 3 or less. [5] >=75 …

Aggregate Base Density Data

SO a crushed gravel is about 1.43 T/cy in the truck and 1.85 T/cy placed, typ. They note that placed density varies from 1.7 to 1.9 T/cy, with the lower end of the range for materials with say 40% sand and the upper end for more open-graded ballast.

Crusher Run Gravel: Pave It Right With Our Complete Guide …

A typical gradation for a crusher run is: Stone: 35-60% passing 1.5-2 inches. Gravel: 25-55% passing 3/4 inch. Sand: 5-20% passing #4 sieve. Fines: 2-10% passing #200 sieve. This well-graded mix of aggregate sizes provides superior interlock and load distribution.

Limestone Calculator

weight of limestone needed = volume needed × density of limestone. weight of limestone needed = 3.3 m³ × 2,410 kg/m³ = 7,953 kg. Based on our crushed limestone calculations above, you can now call …


Aggregate crushed value(ACV), determined in accordance with TMH1 method B1, shall ... In restricted areas the in situ dry density of gravel material shall comply with the requirements in the project specifications. Table 3402 / 3 DURABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR G4 MATERIAL GROUP MEMBERS OF THE GROUP DURABILITY MILL …

Road Base Calculator

Determine the volume of your road by multiplying the width, length, and depth of your road base. Find the density of your material to obtain the mass needed. …

Crushed Concrete & Concrete Aggregate 101

What is Crushed Concrete or Concrete Aggregate? Crushed concrete is made up of asphalt debris from other construction projects that can be reused to create driveways, pathways, garden beds and more. ... 30938 Industrial Road Livonia, MI, 48150 (734) 744-6534. Indianapolis. 2200 Montcalm Street Indianapolis, IN 46208 (248) 212 …

Density of Aggregate

Relative Density = Mass of the Aggregate / Mass of equal volume of water. Key Features: Most aggregates have a relative density between 2.4-2.9 with a corresponding particle …

Calculate Crushed Concrete Road Base | Cubic Yard (or …

Calculate Crushed Concrete Road Base. Type in inches and feet of your project and calculate the estimated amount of Recycled Materials in cubic yards, cubic feet and Tons, that your need for your project. The Density of Crushed Concrete Road Base: 2,410 lb/yd³ or 1.21 t/yd³ or 0.8 yd³/t. Type in your numbers.

What Is Road Base? | For Construction Pros

Road base refers to the material used when constructing roads, driveways, parking areas, paving substrates or anything paved. These materials are compacted tightly together to form a hard surface ...

Crushed Concrete (A Complete Guide & Calculator )

Gravel: Crushed Concrete: Material: Natural Stones: Recycled Concrete: Cost: More expensive: ... like laying down asphalt for a new road, crushed concrete is a stellar option. What are the advantages of crushed concrete. ... What is the maximum dry density of crushed concrete? The maximum dry density (MDD) of crushed concrete …

Aggregate – Pavement Interactive

Aggregate" is a collective term for the mineral materials such as sand, gravel and crushed stone that are used with a binding medium (such as water, bitumen, portland cement, lime, etc.) to form compound materials (such as asphalt concrete and portland cement concrete). By volume, aggregate generally accounts for 92 to 96 percent of HMA and ...

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