Valuation Standards and Guidelines for Mineral Properties

On November 29, 2019 CIM Council adopted the 2019 CIMVAL Code which supersedes the 2003 Standards. This Code for the Valuation of Mineral Properties is an update and evolution of the 2003 CIMVal Standards and Guidelines. The 2019 CIMVAL Code reflects domestic and international valuation best practice, and recognizes regulatory …

Mineral Resource Evaluation | SpringerLink

The technical aspects include all matters related to the geological setting of the deposit, characteristics of the mineralization (grade, tonnage), and technology to …

Valuation of mineral projects Online course | Administration …

Valuation of Mineral Projects Based on Technical and Financial Modelling. As a direct result of the impact of COVID-19, Edumine is delivering its well established "Valuation of Mineral Projects Based on Technical and Financial Modelling" as a distance learning initiative covering both technical appraisal and financial evaluation of mineral projects.

MRP 36: Documents You Need for a Mineral Appraisal

To summarize the Key Documents You Should have for a Mineral Rights Appraisal: State oil and gas commission filings (e.g. pooling orders, spacing orders) Other documents (estate or probate documents – attorney, mineral ownership reports/runsheets – landmen, letters for leasing or purchase offers, etc.)

Mineral Valuation Specialists | Business Valuation Services

Mineral Valuation Specialists is a full service mineral, mining and business valuation and consulting firm specializing in mineral assets, commodities, properties and businesses. Our roots in mining appraisal, mineral appraisal, aggregates appraisal and consulting goes back over 50 years. Our staff and associates include: mineral and business ...

Mineral Resource Evaluation | SpringerLink

Summary. Mineral resource evaluation should provide a basis on which economic decisions can be taken. At least, four aspects can be identified if a mining project is evaluated, technical, economic/financial, social, and political; this chapter introduces the first two. The technical aspects include all matters related to the geological setting ...


Keyword: CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL OF MINERAL RESOURCES IN NIGERIA . CHAPTER ONE . GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 1.1. Background to the Study. Mineral Resources which comprise of oil and gas, a whole lot of which Nigeria is blessed with is one of the most important sources of energy in the world …

Technical Appraisal Services of Georgia – County Assessors …

Technical Appraisal Services of Georgia, Inc. (TAS-GA), a privately held company, has grown to be the most respected mass appraisal firm in Georgia. Technical Appraisal Services Of Georgia, Inc. Post Office Box 4743; Macon, Georgia 31208; Business : 478.214.4254; Email: tas_ga@hotmail

Mineral Oil

39 technical reports on mineral oil, with a focus on uses for intestinal compaction in support of the upcoming. 40 sunset review for the substance (USDA 2002, USDA 2015). This report will focus on the veterinary. 42 41 applications of mineral oil as a treatment of intestinal compaction within organic livestock production.

SME Standards and Guidelines for Valuation of Mineral …

Property Valuation comply with the Appraisal Foundation's Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), within which the Real Property Appraisal Standards closely align with the SME Valuation Standards. In such situations, the Standards will provide mineral SME property valuation instruction supplemental to USPAP.

A technical appraisal of potato value chain in Nigeria

Harvested Potatoes Figure 3. Sorting/Grading of Potato seed and tiny tubers. In Nigeria, The Potato Research Programme, Kuru, Jos, grades their potato tubers into the following sizes:Tubers greater than 50mm in diameter. These are used as table or ware potatoes and also for processing. Tubers between 40 – 50mm.

International Institute of Minerals Appraisers

The following are minerals appraisers who meet the Institute's standards of education, experience, and integrity, as each is defined in the Bylaws, and who subscribe to the Code of Ethics. ... Vass Engineering and Mineral Appraisals, PLLC; PO Box 785; Rainelle, West ia 25962; Phone No: 304-438-7462; Cell No: 304-663-9970; Email ...

Economic Appraisal of Zambia's Mineral Taxation Regimes

The technical parameters of the project are held constant; instead the differing mineral policies in each jurisdiction are applied to determine the resultant impact upon the relative share of the economic rents delivered to both private and public sectors. ... Background Theory Most of the literature on mineral tax evaluation revolves around ...

Mineral Appraisal Oversights in Quarries

Mineral appraisal of aggregate reserves or valuation a fully operating quarry business requires proficiency with mining, technical, marketing, and real estate factors. In quarry valuations, certified mineral appraisers …

LC Mineral Valuation Company

Mineral Appraisals. We provide mineral appraisals for oil and gas, aggregates, and ore bodies throughout the country. We appraise resources and reserves at all stages of development. We appraise surface and sub-surface mining. We have an experienced team of geologists, mining engineers, and appraisers.

Mineral Valuation Specialists | Resource Technologies …

RTC has completed mineral valuations of properties valued at more than $4,000,000,000 and less than $10,000. Some examples of our appraisal projects include: We specialize in a wide array of appraisals and will travel throughout the United States and Canada. Contact us risk-free today to discuss your appraisal needs.

Modern Analytical Methods and Research Procedures for …

The use of modern analytical methods available for process mineralogy that identify, among other things, the chemical and mineralogical composition of raw material …

Valuation of mineral projects Online course

Valuation of Mineral Projects Based on Technical and Financial Modelling. As a direct result of the impact of COVID-19, Edumine is delivering its well established "Valuation of Mineral Projects Based on Technical and Financial Modelling" as a distance learning initiative covering both technical appraisal and financial evaluation of mineral projects.

The technical appraisal process

A technical appraisal is an important stage in the whole process of availing a housing loan. This part of an appraisal process covers the documentation and legal aspects of housing loans, and is done once the credit appraisal process is over. Considering the fact that the amount involved is large and the time period long, a …

CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral …

1. INTRODUCTION. The CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines (MRMR Best Practice Guidelines) were prepared by the Canadian …

Mineral resource appraisal of the Gallatin National Forest, …

@article{osti_5418138, title = {Mineral resource appraisal of the Gallatin National Forest, Montana. Executive summary. Special pub}, author = {Johnson, F L}, abstractNote = {The report describes the U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) investigation of mineral resources in the Gallatin National Forest. The study was undertaken at the …

Guidelines for Technical Economic Evaluation of Minerals

27 Aug 2021. The standards and practices employed in the process of evaluating projects, the application of economic-styled valuation techniques and, by implication, the …

Division of Minerals Evaluation | U.S. Department of the …

Division of Minerals Evaluation. The Division of Minerals Evaluation (DME) is a small team of professionals within AVSO with expertise in economic geology, geologic and petroleum engineering, and mineral economics. Our team members have diverse backgrounds in government service and private industry. DME provides unbiased …

Guidelines for mineral process plant development …

During the preliminary evaluation one also needs to consider the likely price cycle of the commodity. In the above example the life of the project would be expected to see …

(PDF) Technical Evaluation of Associated Tin Minerals

Technical Evaluation of Associated Tin Minerals Processing at Bidang Pengolahan Mineral (BPM) Unit Metalurgi Muntok, PT Timah Tbk October 2019 IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science ...

Thomas Y. Pickett – Dallas, TX

Oil and gas producing leaseholds are a unique class of property and highly technical to appraise. The appraisal of mineral producing property determines the present worth of future benefits to be derived from. ... Thomas Y. Pickett offers expertise in appraising minerals, industrial and chemical plants, public utilities, railroads, pipelines ...

(PDF) Essentials of Mineral Exploration and Evaluation Geological

The scientific/technical inputs of exploration and mining must be fast, efficient, and effective in order to add value to the project (Woodall, 1992). ... ESSENTIALS OF MINERAL EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION 7.17 EXPLORATION EXPENDITURE 181 2014 US$ billion Spend reached an all- $31B time high in 2012 in 2012 $30 Other bulk $25 10x real …

Breakthrough technologies for mineral exploration

Breakthrough technologies for mineral exploration are discussed from two perspectives. The first perspective is intended to discuss the important factors required for exploration technologies, derived deductively from a review of the role and expectations of exploration in the mining industry and the current situation of the mining industry. The …

Mineral Evaluations & Appraisals – Pecan Tree Oil & Gas

The retrospective appraisal is a formal appraisal that follows USPAP reporting format and takes about a month to complete. The capital gains tax is based on the increase in value of the mineral rights between the date of inheritance and the date of sale. The federal capital gains tax rate is typically 15% – 20%.

Appendix A – Use of Supporting Studies in Process …

provide both technical and economic assessments o f the mineral deposit. After the initial identification of the Mineral Resource, typically three levels of studies with increasing detail and precision are undertaken. The process involvement in these studies generally begins …

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